Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Member of the Organizing Committees
Several permanent members of the team co-organized the international summer school PAISS 2018.
J. Mairal is a member of the organizing committee for the international conference SIAM Imaging Science 2020.
J. Mairal co-organized the Journées SMAI-MODE, which will took place in March 2018.
J. Mairal is a co-organizer of the workshop OSL'19 at Les Houches.
G. Rogez was one of the organizers of the CVPR workshop on Human Pose, Motion, Activities and Shape in 3D (3D HUMANS 2018).
C. Schmid was one of the organizers of Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Horizon Maths, Paris, 2018.
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
K. Alahari: Senior program committee member for IJCAI 2018, IJCAI 2019.
C. Schmid: Area chair for NeurIPS 2018, ICML 2018, ECCV 2018, ICCV 2019.
The permanent members of the team reviewed numerous papers for numerous international conferences in computer vision and machine learning, including CVPR, ECCV, NeurIPS, ICML.
Member of the Editorial Boards
K. Alahari: Associate editor for Computer Vision and Image Understanding journal, since 2018.
J. Mairal: Associate editor of the International Journal of Computer Vision, since 2015.
J. Mairal: Associate editor of Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, since 2015.
J. Mairal: Associate editor of the SIAM Journal of Imaging Science, since 2018.
C. Schmid: Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Computer Vision, since 2013.
C. Schmid: Associate editor for Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision, since 2005.
J. Verbeek: Associate editor for Image and Vision Computing Journal, 2011-2018.
J. Verbeek: Associate editor for International Journal on Computer Vision, since 2014.
J. Verbeek: Associate editor for IEEE Transactions Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, since 2018.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
The permanent members of the team reviewed numerous papers for numerous international journals in computer vision (IJCV, PAMI, CVIU), machine learning (JMLR, Machine Learning). Some of them also review for journals in optimization (SIAM Journal on Optimization, Mathematical Programming), image processing (SIAM Imaging Science).
Invited Talks
K. Alahari: Invited talk at IISc Bangalore, India, Dec 2018.
K. Alahari: Invited talk at Hyderabad AI Symposium, India, Dec 2018.
K. Alahari: Invited seminar at Simon Fraser Univ., Vancouver, Canada, Nov 2018.
K. Alahari: Invited seminar at POSTECH, Pohang, South Korea, Oct 2018.
K. Alahari: COVIEW workshop, ACM Multimedia, Seoul, South Korea, Oct 2018.
K. Alahari: Le Futur des Images workshop, IXXI, Lyon, Oct 2018.
K. Alahari: Invited seminar at Universidad de Malaga, Apr 2018.
A. Bietti: Séminaire de statistiques et machine learning, Telecom ParisTech.
G. Durif: Seminar at Institut de Recherche Mathematique Avancée (IRMA), Strasbourg Univ., June 2018.
M. Elbayad: Seminar at NAVER LABS Europe, Grenoble, Sep 2018.
P. Luc: Invited talk in the class “Deep Learning for Image Analysis” at Ecole des Mines.
J. Mairal: Workshop on the Future of Random Projections, Paris.
J. Mairal: keynote in Theory of Deep Learning Workshop, ICML 2018, Stockholm.
J. Mairal: invited speaker at AI and ML workshop, Telecom ParisTech.
G. Rogez: Invited speaker, Apple Seminar, Salt Lake City, June 2018.
G. Rogez: Seminar, NAVER LABS Europe, Grenoble, December 2018.
C. Schmid: Invited speaker at the Google Multimodal Machine Perception Workshop, San Francisco, October 2018.
C. Schmid: Invited speaker, “What is optical flow for?” workshop at ECCV, September 2018.
C. Schmid: Invited speaker, 3rd Intl. Workshop on Video Segmentation at ECCV, September 2018.
C. Schmid: Keynote speaker at Deep Learning Conference, Rennes, September 2018.
C. Schmid: Keynote speaker at ActivityNet workshop, in conjunction with CVPR, June 2018.
C. Schmid: Invited talk at CVPR Good Citizen of CVPR event, in conjunction with CVPR, June 2018.
C. Schmid: Keynote speaker at 3D Humans workkshop, in conjunction with CVPR, June 2018.
C. Schmid: Invited speaker at Symposium on AI, Académie des sciences, Paris, February 2018.
C. Schmid: Presentation at Prairie/industry meeting, Paris, December 2018.
C. Schmid: Presentation at Google workshop on 3D Deep Learning, October 2018.
C. Schmid: Seminar for AI residents, Google Mountain View, June 2018.
C. Schmid: Seminars at Google Zürich (April), Mountain View and Paris (March).
C. Schmid: Seminar at Leopoldina section meeting, Ulm, February 2018.
J. Verbeek: Seminar Facebook AI Research, Paris, December 2018.
J. Verbeek: Seminar NAVER LABS Europe, Grenoble, December 2018.
J. Verbeek: Workshop Mathematics and Deep Learning at Univ. Aix-Marseille, November 2018.
J. Verbeek: ARC6 Deep Learning & Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop, Lyon.
Scientific Expertise
Research Administration
J. Mairal: Participation in the setting up of the 3IA institute in Grenoble.
C. Schmid: Member, board of directors of the Computer Vision Foundation (CVF), since 2016.
C. Schmid: Member, PAMI-TC awards committee and the PAMI-TC executive commitee.
J. Verbeek: Member, 2018 recruitment committee for an Assistant Professor position at Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann (LJK).
J. Verbeek: Member, steering committee MinaLogic, innovation cluster for digital technologies based in France's Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, since 2018.