Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
Call: Appel à projet Grenoble Innovation Recherche (AGIR-Pôle)
Abstract: The goal of this project is to contribute to foundational and algorithmic challenges introduced by increasingly popular data-centric paradigms for programming on distributed architectures such as spark and the massive production of big linked open data. The focus of the project is on building robust and more efficient workflows of transformations of semantic and graph web data.
Title: Querying and Curating Hierarchies of Biological Graphs
Others partners: LIP/LIRIS. The project involves a bio-computing team and a database team on a common research problem
Abstract: This project aims at leveraging graph rewriting techniques of ReGraph and graph data management techniques in order to provide a persistent, robust and scalable substrate for the construction and manipulation of hierarchies of biological graphs. Moreover, we wish to investigate whether the involved graphs need further expressive graph constraints for enforcing consistency and performing data cleansing.