Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Title: Compilation of intermediate Languages into Efficient big dAta Runtimes
Call: Appel à projets générique 2016 défi ‘Société de l’information et de la communication’ – JCJC
See also:
Abstract: This project addresses one fundamental challenge of our time: the construction of effective programming models and compilation techniques for the correct and efficient exploitation of big and linked data. We study high-level specifications of pipelines of data transformations and extraction for producing valuable knowledge from rich and heterogeneous data. We investigate how to synthesize code which is correct and optimized for execution on distributed infrastructures.
Title: Coq deep specification of security aware data integration
Call: Appel à projets Sciences et technologies pour la confiance et la sécurité numérique
Others partners: Université Paris Sud/Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, Université de Lille/Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille, Université de Lyon/Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Image et Systèmes d'information.
See also:
Abstract: This project’s aim is to develop a comprehensive framework handling the fundamental problems underlying security-aware data integration and sharing, resulting in a paradigm shift in the design and implementation of security-aware data integration systems. To fill the gap between both worlds, we strongly rely on deep specifications and proven-correct software, develop formal models yielding highly reliable technology while controlling the disclosure of private or confidential information.
Call: Appel à projets Projets de Recherche Collaborative – Entreprise (PRCE)
Others partners: LIMOS, Université Clermont Auvergne. LIS, Université d’Aix-Marseille. HEGP, INSERM, Paris. Inst. Cochin, INSERM, Paris. Gnubila, Argonay. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Canada)
Abstract: This research project is geared towards a system capable of capturing and formalizing the knowledge of data quality from domain experts, enriching the available data with this knowledge and thus exploiting this knowledge in the subsequent quality-aware medical research studies. We expect a quality-certified collection of medical and biological datasets, on which quality-certified analytical queries can be formulated. We envision the conception and implementation of a quality-aware query engine with query enrichment and answering capabilities.
To reach this ambitious objectives, the following concrete scientific goals must be fulfilled : (1) An innovative research approach, that starts from concrete datasets and expert practices and knowledge to reach formal models and theoretical solutions, will be employed to elicit innovative quality dimensions and to identify, formalize, verify and finally construct quality indicators able to capture the variety and complexity of medical data; those indicators have to be composed, normalized and aggregated when queries involve data with different granularities (e.g., accuracy indications on pieces of information at the patient level have to be composed when one queries cohort) and of different quality dimensions (e.g., mixing incomplete and inaccurate data); and (2) In turn, those complex aggregated indicators have to be used to provide new quality-driven query answering, refinement, enrichment and data analytics techniques. A key novelty of this project is the handling of data which are not rectified on the original database but sanitized in a query-driven fashion: queries will be modified, rewritten and extended to integrate quality parameters in a flexible and automatic way.
Title: Mobile Augmented Reality Applications for Smart Cities
Abstract: The goal of this project is to increase the relevance and reliability of augmented reality (AR) applications, through three main objectives:
Finding and developing appropriate representations for describing the physical world (3D maps, indoor buildings, ways...), integrated advanced media types (3D, 3D audio, precisely geo-tagged pictures with lat., long. and orientation, video...)
Integrating the different abstraction levels of these data streams (ranging from sensors data to high level rich content such as 3D maps) and bridging the gap with Open Linked Data (the semantic World). This includes opening the way to query the environment (filtering), and adapt AR browsers to users’ capabilities (e.g. blind people). The objective here is to provide an open and scalable platform for mobile-based AR systems (just like the web represents).
Increasing the reliability and accuracy of localization technologies. Robust and high-accuracy localization technologies play a key role in AR applications. Combined with geographical data, they can also be used to identify user-activity patterns, such as walking, running or being in an elevator. The interpretation of sensor values, coupled with different walking models, allows one to ensure the continuity of the localization, both indoor and outdoor. However, dead reckoning based on Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) or Step-and-Heading Systems (SHS) is subject to cumulative errors due to many factors (sensor drift (accelerometers, gyroscopes, etc.), missed steps, bad estimation of the length of each stride, etc.). One objective is to reduce such errors by merging and mixing these approaches with various external signals such as GPS and Wi-Fi or relying on the analyses of user trajectories with the help of a structured map of the environment. Some filtering methods (Kalman Filter, observer, etc.) will be useful to achieve this task.