Section: Dissemination




A film presenting the Neurinfo imaging facility was recorded by Inria for the official launching ceremony of the new 3T Prisma scanner and further use for general communication about Neurinfo. Reports on local press: Ouest-france (https://www.ouest-france.fr/bretagne/rennes-35000/video-une-irm-ultra-puissante-pour-faire-avancer-la-recherche-rennes-6095044) and TV-Rennes (https://www.tvr.bzh/programmes/tvr-soir-1543339500).

Articles and contents


  • L codent L créent - An outreach program to send PhD students to teach Python to middle school students in 8 sessions of 45 minutes. Tassadit Bouadi (Univ. Rennes 1), Camille Maumet (VisAGeS) and Anne-Cecile Orgerie (Myriads) are coordinating the local version of this program, initiated in Lille. The first session in Rennes is planned for April 2019. The program is currently supported by: Fondation Blaise Pascal, ED MathSTIC, Inria and Fondation Rennes 1.


National brain week: “Semaine du Cerveau”
  • Giulia Lioi: Talk “Lire dans son cerveau grâce au neurofeedback EEG, c’est mieux bouger”, March 14, Warpzone, Rennes, France.

  • Mathis Fleury: Bar en (neuro) sciences; May 14-16; Presentation of the Neurofeedback and demonstration of a EEG based Neurofeedback with a motor imagery paradigm.

National science week: “Village des sciences”

Visages took part in the Village des Sciences 2018, opening the Neurinfo platform to 45 middle school students (Oct 5) and 120 visitors from the general public (Oct 6-7), Oct 5-7, Rennes, France. https://www.univ-rennes1.fr/evenements/20072018/village-des-sciences-2018-visites-guidees-de-laboratoires-pour-les-scolaires, https://team.inria.fr/visages/members-area/projects/village-des-science-2018/. The event was coordinated by Julien Le Bonheur from the University of Rennes, and Elise Bannier coordinated the contribution of Neurinfo/Visages. We covered 4 themes:

  • Giulia Lioi, Mathis Fleury, Simon Butet, Pauline Rolland: Neurofeedback EEG

  • Pierre Maurel, Charlélie Erhart, Antoine Legouhy, Corentin Vallée, Francesca Galassi, Julie Coloigner: Image processing with MedInria

  • Isabelle Corouge, Catherine Guillemot, Emmanuel Caruyer, Elise Bannier, Benjamin Parat: Brain and MRI

  • Quentin Duché, Florian Chapelain, Virginie Dardier: Functional MRI

Other interventions
  • Pierre-Yves Jonin: Series of 6 talks on neuropsychology, Universités du Temps Libre de Bretagne, Jan-Dec, Rennes, France.

  • Pierre-Yves Jonin: Talk “La mémoire humaine, comment la conserver, quand s’inquiéter”, Bien Vieillir en Ille-et-Vilaine, June, Rennes, France.

  • Mathis Fleury: Talk “Qu'est ce qu'un doctorant ?”Journée des métiers IUT rennes - , Nov 16, IUT Rennes, France.

  • Camille Maumet: Talk to middle school students (around 100) “La neuroinformatique”, PRNB, April, Rennes, France.

  • Olivier Commowick: Presentation of research done in VisAGeS on medical image processing and of the MedInria software, Journée LOGIN, Nov 27, Grenoble, France.

Creation of media or tools for science outreach

  • Launching of a Twitter account for the VisAGeS team (Camille Maumet) and setup on the VisAGeS website (Olivier Commowick) http://twitter.com/visages_inria. Tweets by lab members (Quentin Duché, Christian Barillot)

  • Development of the VisAGeS blog and writing of blog posts (Camille Maumet, Olivier Commowick, Claire Cury, Elise Bannier).