Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

VLDB Conference

The VLDB conference (http://vldb2018.lncc.br) was in Rio de Janeiro. Its organization is a major outcome of the SciDISC associate team, with key positions held by members of the project: F. Porto: general chair, P. Valduriez: sponsor chair and many SciDISC members in the local organization. E. Ogasawara and P. Valduriez were chairs of the LADaS VLDB workshop. E. Pacitti was chair of the VLDB workshop on Big Social Data and Urban Computing (BiDU). The VLDB conference was a great success with about 700 participants.

New Book

A. Joly co-authored the book "Multimedia Tools and Applications for Environmental & Biodiversity Informatics" [69], which demonstrates how the latest advancements in data science impact the wide range of environmental and biodiversity studies.