Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Overall Objectives


ARAMIS is an Inria project-team within the Brain and Spinal cord Institute (ICM - http://www.icm-institute.org) at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris. ARAMIS was created as a team of the Inria Paris Center in 2012 and became a project-team in 2014. ARAMIS has a joint affiliation to Inria, CNRS, Inserm and Sorbonne University.

The Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital is the largest adult hospital in Europe. It is a leading center for neurological diseases: in terms of size (around 20,000 neurological patients each year), level of clinical expertise and quality of the technical facilities. Created in 2010, the Brain and Spinal cord Institute (ICM) gathers all research activities in neuroscience and neurology of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital. The ICM is both a private foundation and a public research unit (affiliated to CNRS, Inserm and University Pierre and Marie Curie). It hosts 25 research teams as well as various high level technical facilities (neuroimaging, genotyping/sequencing, cell culture, cellular imaging, bioinformatics ...), and gathers over 600 personnel. In addition, the ICM hosts one of the six IHU (Instituts Hospitalo-Universitaires), which are 10-year research programs funded for 55M euros each.

ARAMIS is thus located both within a leading neuroscience institute and within a large hospital. This unique position has several advantages: direct contact with neuroscientists and clinicians allows us to foresee the emergence of new problems and opportunities for new methodological developments, provides access to unique datasets, and eases the transfer of our results to clinical research and clinical practice.