Section: Dissemination
Articles and contents
Hugues Berry participated in popularization activities with the edition of a book, written in French, on the relationships between sex (i.e. a biology concept) and Gender (a sociology approach) (Abou, B. and Berry, H., eds., (2019). Sexe et Genre: de la Biologie a la Sociologie. Editions Materiologiques, Paris, In recent years, debates about sex and gender concepts between biology and the humanities and social sciences have become more intense, both for scientific reasons and for their societal impacts. Many biologists reject the questioning made by researchers in humanities and social sciences, of what biology considers fundamental, such as sex binarity or sex differences. Humanities and social scientists, on the other hand, often see biology as an academic and institutional source of naturalistic arguments used to oppose gender studies. They denounce biases in the interpretation of biologists as resulting, precisely, from gender-related biases. However, scientific exchanges at the interface between biology and the humanities and social sciences are undoubtedly necessary to overcome these antagonisms. The objective of this book is to implement a dialogue between the two fields, trying to overcome misunderstandings and misconceptions that have gone on for long. The book consists in 12 chapters stemming from biologists and sociologists, organized so as to try and foster dialogue between both communities. The target readership of the book is composed of non specialist readers (in particular non biologists nor sociologists) with a pre-existing interest on gender issues and their relations to biology. That is why the book was written in French and includes chapters intended to newcomers in the field (e.g. “The determination of sex in the human species and the rest of life” or “Why Gender?”) to more advanced viewpoints (“What we learn from transidentities"). The objective of the publisher was to publish a reference book in French on the relations between sex and gender.
“Le mouvement est devenu massif”, an interview of Hugues Berry to the French journal L’Usine Nouvelle, Special Edition “A year of simulation”, number 3608, April 25, 2019.
Eric Tannier is a co-author of "Quand les branches de l'arbre du vivant s'entremêlent", in Pour la science, 2019.
We have an ongoing collaboration with the Grenoble Rectorat. The aim is to use our computational models to train school professor to evolutionary concepts.
Audrey Denizot participated to activities in the mediation association DéMesures:
"Cosmograff" project. This project aims to present the solar system and its scales to the general public, in collaboration with the Musée des Confluences and the collective of street artists Superposition Creation of audio guides in French and English for reuse at the 2019 EWASS international astronomy conference.
"ArtScience" project, which aims to present the work of scientists to artists. This project culminated in an artistic exhibition at the ENS Lyon, from April to July 2019, in collaboration with the Taverne Gutenberg Creation of a series of photographs presenting the links between science and art that emerged from this project
Eric Tannier co-organized a citizen science event at the Théâtre Nouvelle Génération, Vaise, december 2019
Eric Tannier organizes a workshop on environmental responibility of researchers in january 2020
Eric Tannier participated to a "pint of science" evening on the social and environmental responsibility of researchers, May 20, 2019
Internal action
Eric Tannier and Carole Knibbe gave a lecture on environmental responsibility at the Inria Bio days, 2019
Eric Tannier gave a training to PhD students on research ethics, 6h, Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes, January 2019