Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • License: Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas, Object-Oriented Programming, 120h, L3, Computer Science Department, INSA de Lyon

  • Master: Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas, System Programming, 60h, M1, Computer Science Department, INSA de Lyon

  • Master: Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas, Network Programming, 20h, M1, Computer Science Department, INSA de Lyon

  • Master: Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas, High Performance Computing, 60h, M2, Computer Science Department, INSA de Lyon

  • Master: Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas, High Performance Computing, 12h, M2, Bioinformatics and Modeling Department, INSA de Lyon

  • Licence: C. Knibbe, Fundamentals of algorithmics and programming, 80 heqTD, L3, Bioinformatics and Modelling program of INSA-Lyon

  • Licence: C. Knibbe, Architecture of computer systems, 19 heqTD, L3, Bioinformatics and Modelling program of INSA-Lyon

  • Licence: C. Knibbe, Software development, 32 heqTD, L3, Bioinformatics and Modelling program of INSA-Lyon

  • Licence: C. Knibbe, HTML/CSS, 4 heqTD, L3, Bioinformatics and Modelling program of INSA-Lyon

  • Master: C. Knibbe, Careers in bioinformatics and modelling, 20 heqTD, M1, Bioinformatics and Modelling program of INSA-Lyon

  • Licence: Christophe Rigotti, Object-Oriented Programming and Graphical User Interfaces, 86h, L2, Department 1er cycle of INSA-Lyon.

  • Licence: Christophe Rigotti, Simulation of Chemical Reactions, 26h, L2, Department 1er cycle of INSA-Lyon.

  • Licence: Christophe Rigotti, Numerical Modelling for Engineering, 60h, L2, Department 1er cycle of INSA-Lyon.

  • Master: Christophe Rigotti, Data Mining, 25h, M1, Bioinformatics and Modeling Department of INSA-Lyon.

  • Master: Eric Tannier, Comparative Genomics, 8h, M1, Bioinformatics and Modeling Department of INSA-Lyon.

  • Master: Eric Tannier, String algorithmics, 12h, M1, Bioinformatics and Modeling Department of INSA-Lyon.

  • Master: Eric Tannier, String algorithmics, 12h, M1, Bioinformatics UCBL.

  • Master: Eric Tannier, Research Ethics, 6h, M2, Bioinformatics UCBL

  • Doctorat: Eric Tannier, Environmental responsibility of research activities, NGS formation, Lyon

  • Doctorat: Eric Tannier, Research Ethics, 12h, all specialities, Université de Lyon

  • Doctorat: Eric Tannier, Research Ethics, 6h, Inria PhD students

  • Master: Audey Denizot, 64h de cours en enzymologie (M1, INSA Lyon) et biologie cellulaire (M2, ENS Lyon).

  • E-learning

    • MOOC: Eric Tannier, Research Ethics, FUN, Ph-D candidates, 3000 registered participants


  • PhD in progress: Julie Etienne, "Modélisation et simulation du flux de triglycérides alimentaires, de l'absorption entérocytaire à la sécrétion des chylomicrons", INSA-Lyon, co-supervised by Carole Knibbe and Marie-Caroline michalski (CarMeN laboratory), started in October 2019.

  • M2 : Julie Etienne, "Analysing and modelling the traffic of triglycerides through enterocytes", co-supervised by Carole Knibbe (80

  • M2 : Ella Beaumann, "Modélisation compartimentale de cinétiques postprandiales cliniques", co-supervised by Carole Knibbe (70

  • M2: Hugues Berry and Christophe Rigotti where co-supervisors of the M2 internship of Tymofii Prokopenko (co-supervision with Olivier Pascual of team SynatAc INSERM/CNRS) from 28/01/2019 to 14/06/2019. Title: "Classification and clustering of activity data of microglial cells".

  • M2 Sujin Hyun, 1 feb 2019 to 31 jul 2019 (6 months), title "Re-assessing the link between splicing and mRNA quality control" (supervised by A Crombach)

  • PhD: Audrey Denizot, "Simulation de la signalisation calcique dans les prolongements fins astrocytaires”, INSA Lyon, 08 Nov. 2019 (co-supervision H. Soula and H. Berry)

  • PhD: Hugues Berry participated to the PhD Advisory Committee of Barbara Genocchi (BioMediTech, Tampere University of Technology, Finland)

  • PhD: Eric Tannier participated to the PhD Advisory Committee of Raphael Forquet (UCBLyon)

  • PhD in progress: Alexandre Laverré, "influence croisée de l'organisation spatiale et des mutations structurales dans les génomes", encadré par Anamaria Necsulea et Eric Tannier, début en septembre 2018

  • PhD in progress: Théo Tricou, "Détection d'espèces éteintes avec les transferts horizontaux", encadré par Damien de Vienne et Eric Tannier, début en septembre 2018

  • PhD in progress: Hugo Menet, "Phylogénie multi-échelles des holobiontes", encadré par Eric Tannier et Vincent Daubin, début en septembre 2019

  • M2: Hugo Menet, "Phylogénie multi-échelles des holobiontes", encadrée par Eric Tannier, 2019


  • HDR: Jérémie Roux,”Integrative single-cell approaches to understanding cancer drug response heterogeneity in tumor cell dynamics" Université Côte d’Azur, Nice, France, September 2019 (Hugues Berry, reviewer)

  • HDR: Jean-Baptiste Masson, “Probabilistic induction and physics modelling to probe biological decision making In situ”, Sorbonne University, Paris, France, May 2019 (Hugues Berry, reviewer)

  • HDR: Celine Scornavacca, "Phylogenetic reconciliations and networks", Univ Montpellier (Eric Tannier, examinateur)

  • PhD: Audrey Denizot (Ph-D, INSA-Lyon, October 2019) (Guillaume Beslon was a member of the PhD Committee)

  • PhD: Andreas Odorico (Ph-D, Gif-sur-Yvette, December 2019) Guillaume Beslon was reviewer

  • PhD: Adrien Legrand (University of Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, November 2019) Christophe Rigotti was reviewer