Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


  • Evoluthon (2019-2022): Artificial Life as a benchmark for evolutionary studies, a 4-year project leaded by E Tannier with 2 partners, Beale Inria and Le Cocon, LBBE.

  • Dopaciumcity (2014-2018): Dopamine modulation of calcium influx underlying synaptic plasticity, a 4-year project funded by a grant from the ANR-NSF-NIH Call for French-US Projects in Computational Neuroscience. With L. Venance, College de France, CIRB, CNRS/UMR 7241 - INSERM U1050, Paris, France and K Blackwell, Krasnow Institute of Advanced Studies, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA. Supervisor: L Venance (for France) and K.L. Blackwell (for US). Participants: H Berry, I Prokin, A Foncelle

  • Dallish (2016-2020): Data Assimilation and Lattice LIght SHeet imaging for endocytosis/exocytosis pathway modeling in the whole cell, Call AAPG ANR 2016. With C. Kervrann (Inria Rennes), J. Salamero (Institute Curie, Paris), B. Laroche (INRA, Jouy-en-Josas). Participants: H. Berry.

  • Storiz (2018-2020): Horizontal transfers as documents from extinct or unknown species. Call ANR JCJC 2018. Leaded by Damien de Vienne (LBBE, Lyon) Participant: Eric Tannier

  • LncEvoSys (2017-2019): An evolutionary systems approach to understand long non-coding RNA functionality, Call ANR JCJC 2017. Leaded by Anamaria Necsulea (LBBE, Lyon). Participant: Eric Tannier


  • Naviscope (Inria Project Lab, 2018-2022): image-guided Navigation and VIsualization of large data sets in live cell imaging and microSCOPy. Nowadays, the detection and visualization of important localized events and process in multidimensional and multi-valued images, especially in cell and tissue imaging, is tedious and inefficient. Specialized scientists can miss key events due to complexity of the data and the lack of computer guidance. In Naviscope we develop original and cutting-edge visualization and navigation methods to assist scientists, enabling semi-automatic analysis, manipulation, and investigation of temporal series of multi-valued volumetric images, with a strong focus on live cell imaging and microscopy application domains. We build Naviscope upon the strength of scientific visualization and machine learning methods in order to provide systems capable to assist the scientist to obtain a better understanding of massive amounts of information. Such systems will be able to recognize and highlight the most informative regions of the dataset by reducing the amount of information displayed and guiding the observer attention. Head: C. Kervrann (Serpico), other EPIs: Aviz, Beagle, Hybrid, Morpheme, Mosaic, Parietal, and MaIage (INRA unit).

  • Action Exploratoire "Community Garden Book": IPBES's recent report on declining biodiversity calls for generalization of agroecological, productive, biodiversity and environmental friendly methods, oriented towards participatory action research. This exploratory action is a proposal to develop tools from open science, evolution science and algorithmics for the co-construction and use of an agroecological network of interactions between groups, species, varieties found in fields and gardens.

  • Action Exploratoire ExODE: In biology, the vast majority of systems can be modeled as ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Modeling more finely biological objects leads to increase the number of equations. Simulating ever larger systems also leads to increasing the number of equations. Therefore, we observe a large increase in the size of the ODE systems to be solved. A major lock is the limitation of ODE numerical resolution so ware (ODE solver) to a few thousand equations due to prohibitive calculation time. The AEx ExODE tackles this lock via 1) the introduction of new numerical methods that will take advantage of the mixed precision that mixes several floating number precisions within numerical methods, 2) the adaptation of these new methods for next generation highly hierarchical and heterogeneous computers composed of a large number of CPUs and GPUs. For the past year, a new approach to Deep Learning has been proposed to replace the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with ODE systems. The numerical and parallel methods of ExODE will be evaluated and adapted in this framework in order to improve the performance and accuracy of these new approaches.