Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence :

    • Selma Souihel "Advanced network administration and security: architecture of a company network, services installation and configuration, users management, system and network security, cryptography, virtual private networks and secured protocols, and supervision tools, Numeric transmission : data acquisition, satellite and cable transmission, numeric modulation", 1ere année de l'IUT, Département Réseaux et Télécommunications, 64h/year, 50 students.

  • Master 1: Bruno Cessac (with F. Lavigne), Introduction to Modelling in Neuroscience, 40 hours, Master Mod4NeuCog, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.


  • PhD defended on December 18th, 2019. Selma Souihel, "Generic and specific computational principles for the visual anticipation of motion trajectories". Started in November 2016. Supervisor B. Cessac

  • PhD in progress: Evgenia Kartsaki. "How Specific Classes of Retinal Cells Contribute to Vision: a Computational Model", Started in October 2017. Supervisor B. Cessac codirection with E. Sernagor, ION.


  • Pierre Kornprobst was member of the Comité de suivi de thèse of Alexandre Montlibert, from CERCO, Toulouse, France.

  • Pierre Kornprobst was reviewer of the PhD of Erwan David, entitled “L’impact des troubles du champ visuel sur les dynamiques spatio-temporelles de l’observation de scènes naturelles”, from Université de Nantes, France.

  • Bruno Cessac was member of the Comité de suivi de thèse of Matthieu Sarazin from Paris VI and Halgurd Taher from EDSFA Nice.