Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Selma Souihel "Advanced network administration and security: architecture of a company network, services installation and configuration, users management, system and network security, cryptography, virtual private networks and secured protocols, and supervision tools, Numeric transmission : data acquisition, satellite and cable transmission, numeric modulation", 1ere année de l'IUT, Département Réseaux et Télécommunications, 64h/year, 50 students.
Master 1: Bruno Cessac (with F. Lavigne), Introduction to Modelling in Neuroscience, 40 hours, Master Mod4NeuCog, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.
PhD defended on December 18th, 2019. Selma Souihel, "Generic and specific computational principles for the visual anticipation of motion trajectories". Started in November 2016. Supervisor B. Cessac
PhD in progress: Evgenia Kartsaki. "How Specific Classes of Retinal Cells Contribute to Vision: a Computational Model", Started in October 2017. Supervisor B. Cessac codirection with E. Sernagor, ION.
Pierre Kornprobst was member of the Comité de suivi de thèse of Alexandre Montlibert, from CERCO, Toulouse, France.
Pierre Kornprobst was reviewer of the PhD of Erwan David, entitled “L’impact des troubles du champ visuel sur les dynamiques spatio-temporelles de l’observation de scènes naturelles”, from Université de Nantes, France.
Bruno Cessac was member of the Comité de suivi de thèse of Matthieu Sarazin from Paris VI and Halgurd Taher from EDSFA Nice.