Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : [JJ], Descriptive statistical, 24h, L1 - MIASHS, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau, France.

  • Licence : [JJ], Scientific computing, 40.5h, L2 - Informatic, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau, France.

  • Licence : [JJ], Numerical analysis for vectorial problems, 33.75h, L2 - Mathematics, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau, France.

  • Master : [JJ], Data analysis, 68h25, M1 - GP, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau, France.

  • Master : [JJ], Tools for scientific computing, 48h75, M1 - MMS-MSID, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau, France.

  • Master : [JJ], Finite volume methods for hyperbolic systems, 15h, Master ANEDP, ENS, Casablanca, Maroc.

  • Master: [VP], Numerical analysis of PDE 1, Master MMS, Pau.

  • Master : “Turbulence modelling” (in English), 27h30, M2 - International Master program Turbulence, Université de Poitiers/Ecole centrale de Lille, France. [RM]

  • Eng. 3 : “Industrial codes for CFD” (in English), 12h30, 3rd year of engineering school (M2), ENSMA, Poitiers, France. [RM]

  • Eng. 3 : “Advanced physics–Turbulence modelling for CFD”, 16h, 3rd year of engineering school (M2), ENSGTI, France. [RM]


  • PhD in progress : Puneeth Bikkanahally Muni Reddy, "Modelling turbulent flows in natural convection regimes using hybrid RANS-LES approaches, UPPA, October 2018, Rémi Manceau.

  • PhD in progress : Gaëtan Mangeon, "Advanced modelling of heat transfer for industrial configurations with or without accounting of the solid wall", UPPA, February 2017, Rémi Manceau.

  • PhD in progress : Vladimir Duffal, "Hybrid RANS/LES modelling for unsteady loadings in turbulent flows", UPPA, November 2017, Rémi Manceau.

  • PhD in progress : Hassan Al Afailal: "3D simulation of non-reactive internal aerodynamics of spark-ignition engines using an hybrid RANS/LES method", September 2017, Rémi Manceau.

  • PhD in progress Saad Jameel : "Turbulence modelling in the mixed and natural convection regimes in the context of automotive applications", UPPA, February 2017, Rémi Manceau.

  • PhD in progress : Gustave Sporschill, "Amélioration des modèles pour la turbulence. Applications à la prédiction des écoulements aérodynamiques", UPPA, May 2018, Rémi Manceau.


The participation in the following thesis juries is noted ("referee" in a French doctoral thesis jury is more or less equivalent to an external opponent in an Anglo-Saxon like PhD jury):

  • Thomas Kaiser, "Impact of flow rotation on flame dynamics and hydrodynamic stability", University of Toulouse (France), 31 January 2019. Supervisor: T. Poinsot [PB, Referee].

  • Joao Rodrigo Andrade, "Spectral analysis of the turbulent energy cascade and the development of a novel nonlinear subgrid-scale model for large-eddy simulation", Universidade Federale de Uberlândia (Brazil) and University of Lille (France), 27 March 2019. Supervisors: A. S. Neto, G. Mompean and R.L. Thompson [RM, Referee]

  • Adithya Ramanathan Krishnan, "Explicit algebraic subfilter scale modeling for DES-like methods and extension to variable density flows", University of Aix-Marseille 3 April 2019. Supervisor: P. Sagaut [RM, Referee]

  • Benjamin Lorendeau, "Amélioration des performances via un parallélisme multi-niveaux sur un code CFD en maillages non structurés", University of Bordeaux (France), 16 December 2019. Supervisor: E. Jeannot [PB, Referee]