Section: New Results
Experiments and simulations related to flows over aerial tanks
Participant : Pascal Bruel.
These results have been obtained in the framework of the cooperation with the National University of Córdoba (Argentina).
Predicting the pressure loads produced by the atmospheric wind flow over a cylindrical vertical tank
Pressure distributions obtained using different RANS turbulence models were compared with experimental data obtained in wind tunnel tests for a tank with a closed roof. We have considered a flat shape and a conical roof of 25 degrees. Combinations of aspect ratios equal to 0.5, 1 and 2, and Reynolds numbers equal to 250000, 290000 and 340000 were simulated. The results of the numerical model were compared with those obtained in experimental tests in a wind tunnel of the atmospheric boundary layer using a rigid tank model. We have worked to obtain a stable atmospheric boundary layer in the complete domain using the correct boundary conditions for the implemented RANS models. After that, we have developed numerical simulations for the flow around the tanks inside the atmospheric boundary layer. These results have been published in [17].
Studying the interaction of a wall with the flow around two cylinders arranged in tandem
For this configuration, the cylinders were immersed in a flow with a boundary layer profile at a subcritical Reynolds number (Re=10000). The three-dimensional transient turbulent flow around the cylinders was simulated numerically using the SAS turbulence model. The effects of wake interference due to both the proximity between the cylinders and their position with respect to the wall were examined through the values of drag, lift and pressure coefficients. The details of the flow fields in the near wake of the cylinders were also studied. The results were compared with experimental and numerical results reported in the literature, and with the case of a single cylinder near a wall. These results have been published in [15]. In parallel, a specific test section for the team's Maveric test facility has been developed. It gives the possibility to accommodate wall mounted cylinder(s) that represent a scaled down version of real horizontal tanks. The objective here is to generate validation data. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements have been carried out during the 1-month stay of Mauro Grioni in Pau in September 2019.
Simulating the effects of explosions on liquid fuel storage tanks.
The fast release of energy in explosive processes produces intense shock waves (blast waves). The interaction of these waves with obstacles such as tanks can be extremely destructive. As a first step towards the full simulation of a blast wave with a tank, we have studied the capabilities of OpenFOAM to simulate a blast wave. The numerical results were compared in a cylindrical configuration with the analytical solution provided by the Sedov theory. A special attention has been paid to evaluate the influence of the reconstruction functions in the Euler flux (Kurganov scheme) on the numerical results. The predicted position and velocity of the generated shock wave as well as the pressure jump and its evolution behind the shock were in good agreement with their theoretical counterparts. These results have been published in [16].