Section: New Results
Conjugate heat transfer with different fluid-solid physical properties: a new elliptic blending second-moment closure
Participants : Rémi Manceau, Gaëtan Mangeon.
Our approach to model the wall/turbulence interaction, based on Elliptic Blending, was successfully applied to flows with standard thermal boundary conditions at the walls [11]. However, Conjugate Heat Transfer, which couples fluid and solid domains, are particularly challenging for turbulence models. We have developed an innovative model, the Elliptic Blending Differential Flux Model, to account for the influence of various wall thermal boundary conditions on the turbulent heat flux and the temperature variance. An assessment of this new model in Conjugate Heat Transfer has been performed for several values of fluid-solid thermal diffusivity and conductivity ratios. A careful attention is paid to the discontinuity of the dissipation rate associated with the temperature variance at the fluid-solid interface. The analysis is supported by successful comparisons with Direct Numerical Simulations [30].