Section: Application Domains
keywords: Wireless (Body) Sensor Networks, High-Rate Optical Communications, Wireless Communications, Applied Cryptography, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Image ans Signal Processing.
Our research is based on realistic applications, in order to both discover the main needs created by these applications and to invent realistic and interesting solutions.
Wireless Communication is our privileged application domain. Our research includes the prototyping of (subsets of) such applications on reconfigurable and programmable platforms. For this application domain, the high computational complexity of the 5G Wireless Communication Systems calls for the design of high-performance and energy-efficient architectures. In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), where each wireless node is expected to operate without battery replacement for significant periods of time, energy consumption is the most important constraint. Sensor networks are a very dynamic domain of research due, on the one hand, to the opportunity to develop innovative applications that are linked to a specific environment, and on the other hand to the challenge of designing totally autonomous communicating objects.
Other important fields are also considered: hardware cryptographic and security modules, high-rate optical communications, machine learning, data mining, and multimedia processing.