Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Sabeur Aridhi and Malika Smaïl-Tabbone are enseignants-chercheurs with a full service. Sabeur Aridhi is responsible for the major in IAMD (Ingénierie et Applications des Masses de Données) at TELECOM Nancy (Université de Lorraine),

  • Marie-Dominique Devignes teaches about 34h at Telecom Nancy (1A) and 10h in the Cursus Master Ingenieur at the Université de Lorraine.

  • Isaure Chauvot de Beauchêne teaches about 10h in the Cursus Master Ingenieur at the Université de Lorraine.


  • PhD: Maria Elisa Ruiz Echartea, Multi-component protein assembly using distance constraints. Université de Lorraine. Defense date : 18/12/2019 (Manuscript under revision, soon in HAL). David Ritchie, Isaure Chauvot de Beauchêne.

  • PhD in progress: Kévin Dalleau, Complex graph analysis for classification: application to disease nosography, 01/12/2016, Malika Smaïl-Tabbone, Miguel Couceiro.

  • PhD in progress: Bishnu Sarker, Developing distributed graph-based approaches for large-scale protein function annotation and knowledge discovery, 01/11/2017, David Ritchie, Sabeur Aridhi.

  • PhD in progress: Antoine Moniot, Modeling protein / nucleic acid complexes by combinatorial structural fragment assembly, 01/11/2018, David Ritchie, Isaure Chauvot de Beauchêne.

  • PhD in progress: Athénaïs Vaginay, Model selection and analysis for biological networks: use of domain knowledge and application to networks disturbed in diseases, 01/11/2018, Taha Boukhobza, Malika Smaïl-Tabbone.

  • PhD in progress: Anna Kravchenko, Fragment-based modeling of protein-RNA complexes for protein design, 01/10/2019, Malika Smaïl-Tabbone, Isaure Chauvot de Beauchêne.

  • PhD in progress: Hrishikesh Dhondge, A new knowledge base for modeling and design of RNA-binding proteins, 01/10/2019, Marie-Dominique Devignes, Isaure Chauvot de Beauchêne.

  • PhD in progress: Diego Amaya Ramirez, HLA genetic system and organ transplantation: understanding the basics of immunogenicity to improve donor / receptor compatibility when assigning grafts to recipients, 01/10/2019, Marie-Dominique Devignes, Jean-Luc Taupin.

  • PhD in progress: Kamrul Islam, Distributed link prediction in large complex graphs: application to biomolecule interactions, 01/11/2019, Malika Smail-Tabbone, Sabeur Aridhi.


  • Sabeur Aridhi was a member (examinator) of the PhD committee of Manel Zoghlami, Universiy of Clermont Auvergne, Multiple instance learning approaches for ionizing-radiation-resistance prediction, 20/12/2019.

  • Sabeur Aridhi was a member (reviewer) of the PhD committee of Zekarias Tilahun Kefato, Universiy of Trento, Network and Cascade Representation Learning Algorithms based on Information Diffusion Events, 29/04/2019.

  • Sabeur Aridhi was a member (reviewer) of the PhD committee of Nasrullah Sheikh, Universiy of Trento, Network Representation Learning with Attributes and Heterogeneity, 16/07/2019.

  • Marie-Dominique Devignes was a member (reviewer) of the PhD committee of Manel Zoghlami, Universiy of Clermont Auvergne, Multiple instance learning approaches for ionizing-radiation-resistance prediction, 20/12/2019.