Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives


Participants : Marie-Dominique Devignes [contact person] , Malika Smaïl-Tabbone, David Ritchie.

Project title: Innovations Technologiques, Modélisation et Médecine Personnalisée; PI: Faiez Zannad, Université de Lorraine (Inserm-CHU-UL). Value: 14.4 M€ (“SMEC” platform – Simulation, Modélisation, Extraction de Connaissances – coordinated by Capsid and Orpailleur teams for Inria Nancy – Grand Est, with IECL and CHRU Nancy: 860 k€, approx); Duration: 2015–2020. Description: The IT2MP project encompasses four interdisciplinary platforms that support several scientific pôles of the university whose research involves human health. The SMEC platform supports research projects ranging from molecular modeling and dynamical simulation to biological data mining and patient cohort studies.


Participants : Marie-Dominique Devignes [contact person] , Isaure Chauvot de Beauchêne, Bernard Maigret, Philippe Noel, Dominique Mias-Lucquin, Antoine Moniot, David Ritchie.

Project title: Conception d’Inhibiteurs du Transfert de Résistances aux agents Anti-Microbiens: bio-ingénierie assistée par des approches virtuelles et numériques, et appliquée à une relaxase d’élément conjugatif intégratif; PI: N. Leblond, Université de Lorraine (DynAMic, UMR 1128); Other partners: Chris Chipot, CNRS (LPCT, UMR 7565); Value: 200 k€ (Capsid: 80 k€); Duration: 2017–2018. Description: This project follows on from the 2016 PEPS project “MODEL-ICE”. The aim is to investigate protein-protein interactions required for initiating the transfer of an ICE (Integrated Conjugative Element) from one bacterial cell to another one, and to develop small-molecule inhibitors of these interactions.


Participant : Marie-Dominique Devignes [contact person] .

The IMPACT project GeenAge (Lorraine Université d'Excellence) is composed of four axes dedicated to research in high-throughput molecular biology. The Capsid team is involved in a transversal axis for numerical sciences. In the frame of this project, Marie-Dominique Devignes co-supervises with Amedeo Napoli a post-doc hired by the Orpailleur team. She is also responsible with Thierry Bastogne (CRAN) and Anne Gegout-Petit (IECL) for creating a Center of Competencies in Artificial Intelligence and Health.