Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects

H2020 ITN RNAct

Participants : Isaure Chauvot de Beauchêne [contact person] , Marie-Dominique Devignes, Malika Smaïl-Tabbone, Hrishikesh Dhondge, Anna Kravchenko, David Ritchie.

  • Program: H2020 Innovative Training Network

  • Project acronym:RNAct

  • Project title: Enabling proteins with RNA recognition motifs for synthetic biology and bio-analytics

  • Duration: octobre 2018 - octobre 2022

  • Coordinator: Wim Vranken (Vrije University Bruxelles, Belgium)

  • Other partners: Loria, CNRS (France), Helmholtz Center Munich (Germany), Conseio Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Instituto de Biologia Molecular y Celular de Plantas (Spain), Ridgeview instruments AB (Sweden), Giotto Biotech Srl (Italy), Dynamic Biosensors GmbH (Germany).

  • Abstract: This project aims at designing new proteins with "RNA recognition motifs (RRM)" that target a specific RNA, for exploitation in synthetic biology and bio-analytics. It combines approaches from sequence-based and structure-based computational biology with experimental biophysics, molecular biology and systemic biology. Our scientific participation regards the creation and usage of a large database on RRMs for KDD, and the development of RNA-protein docking methods.

  • URL: http://rnact.eu

Informal European Partners

  • EBI: European Bioinformatics Institute, Maria Martin team (UK). We are working with the EBI team to validate and improve our graph-based approaches for protein function annotation.

  • ELIXIR: 3D-bioinfo Community. We participated in the creation of the new ELIXIR 3D-bioinfo community. ELIXIR Communities enable the participation of communities of practice in different areas of the life sciences in the activities of ELIXIR. The goal is to underpin the evolution of data, tools, interoperability, compute and training infrastructures for European life science informatics (see https://www.elixir-europe.org/use-cases). ELIXIR supports its formally recognised Communities by providing funding for workshops and short collaborative projects associated with the Community. More specifically, Isaure Chauvot de Beauchene is member of the sub-section "Tools to describe, analyze, annotate, and predict nucleic acid structures" of this community.

  • ELIXIR: Interoperability Platform Marie-Dominique Devignes is collaborating with the ELIXIR Interoperability Platform aa a member of the IFB (the ELIXIR French Node: ELIXIR FR). She coordinates and reviews projects in the field of FAIR data, Data Management Plans and Recommended Interoperability Resources (RIR).