Section: Research Program
Symmetric Cryptography
Since the recruiting of Marine Minier in September 2016 as a Professor at the Université de Lorraine, and of Virginie Lallemand as a CNRS researcher in October 2018, a new research domain has emerged in the CARAMBA team: symmetric key cryptology. Accompanied in this adventure by non-permanent team members, we are tackling problems related to both design and analysis. A large part of our recent researches has been motivated by the Lightweight Cryptography Standardization Process of the NIST (National Institute of Standard and Technology.) that embodies a crucial challenge of the last decade: finding ciphers that are suitable for resource-constrained devices.
On a general note, the working program of CARAMBA in symmetric cryptography is defined as follows:
Develop automatic tools based on constraint programming to help finding optimum attack parameters. The effort will be focused on the AES standard and on recent lightweight cipher proposals.
Contribute to the security and performance analysis effort required to sort out the candidates for the NIST Lightweight Cryptography Standardization Process.
Study how to protect services execution on dedicated platforms using white-box cryptography and software obfuscation methods.