Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


The 2 assistant professors and 1 professor of the team teach at several levels of the Bordeaux University programs in Mathematics and Neurosciences (respectively, 192, 192 and 96 h/year on average). The researchers also have a regular teaching activity, contributing to several courses in the Applied Mathematics at the Bachelor and Master levels (usually between 16 and 32 h/year).

The PhD student are used to teach between 32 and 64 h/year, usually courses of general mathematics in L1 or mathematics for biologists in L1 or L2.

Teaching responsibilities at the University of Bordeaux:

  • Yves Coudière: Master MAS (Mathématiques Appliquées, Statistiques), parcours MNCHP (Modélisation Numérique Calcul Haute Performance),

  • Yves Coudière: Licence Mathématique parcours ingénierie mathématique,

  • Lisl Weynans: Mineure Mathématiques du parcours International de la Licence

  • Mostafa Bendahmane: Responsable de la mobilité internationale des étudiants de Licence MIASHS.

Courses (L for Bachelor level, M for Master level):

  • Numerical analysis (L2)

  • Programming for scientific computing with C++ (L3)

  • Programming projects with Python (M1)

  • Numerical approximation of PDEs: Finite Differences, Finite Elements, Finite Volumes (M1, M2)

  • Supervision of programming projects (L3, M1)

  • Mathematical modelling in L2 parcours medicine and physics

  • Linear Algebra, Optimization under constraints (L2 and Essca school)

  • Analysis, L2

  • Computational Neurosciences, M2

  • Neuropsychology and Psychophysiology, L3

  • Graduate program EUR Digital Public Health, Bordeaux University, March 2019. Philosophy of science and the role of numerical models: introductory course in the module Modeling in life science

Courses at doctoral level:

  • Liryc summer school, July 2019: Computer modeling of cardiac electrophysiology, 3 hours

  • Course of mathematics for medicine students: March 2019, course organized by the Ecole Doctorales EDMI and SVS of Bordeaux University Introductory course of mathematical modelling and parameter estimation techniques in complex models (4h30)


  • PhD : Antoine Gérard, Modèles numériques personnalisés de la fibrillation auriculaire , Univ. Bordeaux, July 12th 2019, encadrant: Yves Coudière

  • PhD in progress : Andony Arrieula, Oct. 2018, encadrant: Mark Potse

  • PhD in progress: Oumayma Bouhamama, Oct. 2018 , encadrante: Lisl Weynans

  • PhD in progress : Syed Hassaan Ahmed Bukhari, Oct. 2018, encadrant: Mark Potse

  • PhD in progress : Amel Karoui, Oct 2017, encadrants: Mostafa Bendahmane and Nejib Zemzemi

  • PhD in progress : Bachar Tarraf, Oct. 2018, encadrant: Yves Coudière and Michael Leguebe


  • Lisl Weynans: member of the Jury for the recruitment of CR Inria, BSO research center.

  • Lisl Weynans : member of the jury for the PhD of Umberto Bosi in applied mathematics (Univ. Bordeaux)

  • Yves Coudière: chairman of the jury for the PhD of J. Engelhardt in neurology (Univ. Bordeaux)

  • Yves Coudière: member of the jury for the PhD of A. Gérard in applied mathematics (Univ. Bordeaux)

  • Nejib Zemzemi : member of the jury for the PhD of Rabeb Chamekh in applied mathematics

  • Mostafa Bendahmane: member of the jury for the PhD of Mohamed Zagour in applied mathematics.