Section: New Results

Unsupervised learning

Huamns learn to speak and to perceive the world in a largely self-supervised fashion. Yet, most of machine learning is still devoted to supervised algorithms that rely on abundant quantities of human labelled data. We have used humans as sources of inspiration for developing 3 novel machine learning benchmarks in order to push the field towards self-supervised learning.

  • In the Zero Resource Speech Challenge 2019 [19], presented as a special session at Interspeech 2019, we propose to build a speech synthesizer without any text or phonetic labels: hence, TTS without T (text-to-speech without text). We provide raw audio for a target voice in an unknown language (the Voice dataset), but no alignment, text or labels. Participants must discover subword units in an unsupervised way (using the Unit Discovery dataset) and align them to the voice recordings in a way that works best for the purpose of synthesizing novel utterances from novel speakers, similar to the target speaker’s voice. We describe the metrics used for evaluation, a baseline system consisting of unsupervised subword unit discovery plus a standard TTS system, and a topline TTS using gold phoneme transcriptions. We present an overview of the 19 submitted systems from 11 teams and discuss the main results.

  • In [27], we introduce a new collection of spoken English audio suitable for training speech recognition systems under limited or no supervision. It is derived from open-source audio books from the LibriVox project. It contains over 60K hours of audio, which is, to our knowledge, the largest freely-available corpus of speech. The audio has been segmented using voice activity detection and is tagged with SNR, speaker ID and genre descriptions. Additionally, we provide baseline systems and evaluation metrics working under three settings: (1) the zero resource/unsupervised setting (ABX), (2) the semi-supervised setting (PER, CER) and (3) the distant supervision setting (WER). Settings (2) and (3) use limited textual resources (10 minutes to 10 hours) aligned with the speech. Setting (3) uses large amounts of unaligned text. They are evaluated on the standard LibriSpeech dev and test sets for comparison with the supervised state-of-the-art.

  • In order to reach human performance on complex visual tasks, artificial systems need to incorporate a significant amount of understanding of the world in terms of macroscopic objects, movements, forces, etc. Inspired by work on intuitive physics in infants, we propose in [28] an evaluation framework which diagnoses how much a given system understands about physics by testing whether it can tell apart well matched videos of possible versus impossible events. The test requires systems to compute a physical plausibility score over an entire video. It is free of bias and can test a range of specific physical reasoning skills. We then describe the first release of a benchmark dataset aimed at learning intuitive physics in an unsupervised way, using videos constructed with a game engine. We describe two Deep Neural Network baseline systems trained with a future frame prediction objective and tested on the possible versus impossible discrimination task. The analysis of their results compared to human data gives novel insights in the potentials and limitations of next frame prediction architectures. This benchmark is currently being used in the DARPA project Machine Common Sense.