Section: New Results

Language emergence in communicative agents

In this relatively new research topic, which is currently the focus of Rahma Chaabouni's PhD thesis, we study the inductive biases of neural systems by presenting them with few or no data.

  • In [18], we study LSTMs' biases with respect to “natural” word-order constraints. To this end, we train them to communicate about trajectories in a grid world, using an artificial language that reflect or violate various natural language trends, such as the tendency to avoid redundancy or to minimize long-distance dependencies. We measure the speed of individual learning and the generational stability of language patterns in an iterative learning setting. Our results show a mixed picture. If LSTMs are affected by some “natural” word-order constraints, such as a preference for iconic orders and short-distance constructions, they have a preference toward redundant languages.

  • In [25], we ask whether LSTMs have least-effort constraints and how this can affect their language. We let the neural systems develop their own language, to study a fundamental characteristic of natural language; Zipf’s Law of Abbreviation (ZLA). In other words, we inverstigate if, even with the lack of the least-effort, LSTMs would produce a ZLA-like distribution like what we observe in natural language. Surprisingly, we find that networks develop an anti-efficient encoding scheme, in which the most frequent inputs are associated to the longest messages, and messages in general are skewed towards the maximum length threshold. This anti-efficient code appears easier to discriminate for the listener, and, unlike in human communication, the speaker does not impose a contrasting least-effort pressure towards brevity, as observed in [18]. Indeed, when the cost function includes a penalty for longer messages, the resulting message distribution starts respecting (ZLA). Our analysis stresses the importance of studying the basic features of emergent communication in a highly controlled setup, to ensure the latter will not strand too far from human language. Moreover, we present a concrete illustration of how different functional pressures can lead to successful communication codes that lack basic properties of human language, thus highlighting the role such pressures play in the latter.

  • There is renewed interest in simulating language emergence among deep neural agents that communicate to jointly solve a task, spurred by the practical aim to develop language-enabled interactive AIs, and by theoretical questions about the evolution of human language. However, optimizing deep architectures connected by a discrete communication channel (such as that in which language emerges) is technically challenging. In [21], we introduce EGG, a toolkit that greatly simplifies the implementation of emergent-language communication experiments. EGG’s modular design provides a set of building blocks that the user can combine to create new communication games, easily navigating the optimization and architecture space. We hope that the tool will lower the technical barrier, and encourage researchers from various backgrounds to do original work in this exciting area/