Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Member of the Organizing Committees
Executive committee of SIGMORPHON (Association for Computational Linguistics Special Interest Group,
Executive committee of DARCLE
Scientific Events Selection
Invited editor for international conferences: Interspeech, NIPS, ACL, etc. (around 5-10 papers per conferences, 2 conferences per year)
Member of the Editorial Boards
Member of the editorial board of: Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines, L'Année Psychologique, Frontiers in Psychology.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Invited Reviewer for Frontiers in Psychology, Cognitive Science, Cognition, Transactions in Acoustics Signal Processing and Language, Speech Communication, etc. (around 4 papers per year)
Invited Talks
Dec/4/2019, E. Dupoux, Invited Speaker, Symposium NeuroDevRob: Developmental AI, Cergy Pontoise
Jul/15/2019, E. Dupoux, Invited Seminar, Microsoft Research: Inductive Biases and Language Emergence in Communicative Agents, Seattle
Jun/26/2019, E. Dupoux, Invited Speaker, DARPA MCS Kickoff Meeting: Measuring Intuitive Physics Understanding in Artificial Systems, Washington DC
May/26/2019, E. Dupoux, Invited Speaker, Facebook CogSci-AI Workshop: Learning speech like infants do, New York
Mar/14/2019, E. Dupoux, GDR TAL, Artificial models of language acquisition, Paris
Jan/13/2019, E. Dupoux, Invited Seminar, UTC Compiegne, Developmental AI
Scientific Expertise
E. Dupoux is invited expert for ERC, ANR, and other granting agencies, or tenure committees (around 2 per year).
Research Administration
E. Dupoux is on the Executive committee of the Foundation Cognition, the research programme IRIS-PSL "Sciences des Données et Données des Sciences", the industrial chair Almerys (2016-) and the collective organization DARCLE (