Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • E. Dupoux & E. Dunbar: Co-organizers of the INTERSPEECH 2019 Zero Ressource Challenge Session.

Member of the Organizing Committees

Scientific Events Selection


Invited editor for international conferences: Interspeech, NIPS, ACL, etc. (around 5-10 papers per conferences, 2 conferences per year)


Member of the Editorial Boards

Member of the editorial board of: Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines, L'Année Psychologique, Frontiers in Psychology.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

Invited Reviewer for Frontiers in Psychology, Cognitive Science, Cognition, Transactions in Acoustics Signal Processing and Language, Speech Communication, etc. (around 4 papers per year)

Invited Talks

  • Dec/4/2019, E. Dupoux, Invited Speaker, Symposium NeuroDevRob: Developmental AI, Cergy Pontoise

  • Jul/15/2019, E. Dupoux, Invited Seminar, Microsoft Research: Inductive Biases and Language Emergence in Communicative Agents, Seattle

  • Jun/26/2019, E. Dupoux, Invited Speaker, DARPA MCS Kickoff Meeting: Measuring Intuitive Physics Understanding in Artificial Systems, Washington DC

  • May/26/2019, E. Dupoux, Invited Speaker, Facebook CogSci-AI Workshop: Learning speech like infants do, New York

  • Mar/14/2019, E. Dupoux, GDR TAL, Artificial models of language acquisition, Paris

  • Jan/13/2019, E. Dupoux, Invited Seminar, UTC Compiegne, Developmental AI

Scientific Expertise

E. Dupoux is invited expert for ERC, ANR, and other granting agencies, or tenure committees (around 2 per year).

Research Administration

E. Dupoux is on the Executive committee of the Foundation Cognition, the research programme IRIS-PSL "Sciences des Données et Données des Sciences", the industrial chair Almerys (2016-) and the collective organization DARCLE (http://www.darcle.org).