Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


E. Dupoux is co-director of the Cognitive Engineering track in the Cognitive Science Master (ENS, EHESS, Paris V).

  • Master : E. Dupoux (with B. Sagot, ALMANACH, N. Zeghidour & R. Riad, COML), "Algorithms for speech and language processing", 30h, M2, (MVA), ENS Cachan, France

  • Master : E. Dupoux, "Cognitive Engineering", 80h, M2, ITI-PSL, Paris France

  • Doctorat : E. Dupoux, "Computational models of cognitive development", 32 h, Séminaire EHESS, Paris France

  • Master: E. Dunbar, "Phonology" , 36 h, Master Sciences du Langage, Paris Diderot

  • Master: E. Dunbar, "Statistics", 28h, Master Sciences du Langage, Paris Diderot

  • Licence 3: E. Dunbar, "Phonology", 36h, Licence Sciences du Langage, Paris Diderot

  • Licence 3: E. Dunbar, "Experimental methods", 36h, Licence Sciences du Langage, Paris Diderot


  • defended PhD: Neil Zeghidour, Learning speech features from raw signals, Feb 2015-13 Mar 2019, co-advised E. Dupoux, N. Usunier (Facebook-CIFRE)

  • PhD in progress : Rahma Chaabouni, Language learning in artificial agents, Sept 2017, co-advised E. Dupoux, M. Baroni (Facebook-CIFRE)

  • PhD in progress : Ronan Riochet, Learning models of intuitive physics, Sept 2017, co-advised E. Dupoux, I. Laptev, J. Sivic

  • PhD in progress : Rachid Riad, "Speech technology for biomarkers in neurodegenerative diseases" , Sept 2018, co-advised E. Dupoux, A.-C. Bachoud-Levi

  • PhD in progress : Robin Algayres "Audio word embeddings and word segmentation" , from Oct 2019, co-advised E. Dupoux, B. Sagot

  • PhD in progress: Juliette Millet, "Modeling L2 Speech perception", from Sept 2018, advised E. Dunbar Bachoud-Lévi


E. Dupoux participated in the HDR jury of Jacques Cartier Jul 3, 2019.