Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Grants with Industry
Title: Embedded Smart Safe Secure Computing Autonomous Platform
Other Partners: Renault-Nissan, EasyMile, Safran E&D, MBDA, ANSYS/ESterel Technologies, Kronno-Safe, Prove & Run, Kalray, Prophesee, CEA
Abstract: The objective of ES3CAP is to develop a tool-chain that targets multi- and many-core architectures for critical systems. In particular it should address the different challenges related to making existing critical systems solutions (heterogeneous, decentralized, single-core, single-task) match the industrial constraints targeted by Kalray's MPPA (MPPA, high-performance, real-time, safety, security). Considered applications are autonmous driving, drones, avionics, and defense. Corse is involved in the optimization of machine learning algorithms for many-core architectures.