Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits to International Teams
Research Stays Abroad
Fabrice Rastello visited the University of Utah to work with P. Sadayappan during the month of November. He worked on abstract simulation, and optimization of pattern specific programs.
Nicolas Derumigny visited the University of Utah to work with P. Sadayappan during the month of November. He worked on abstract simulation.
Nicolas Tollenaere visited the University of Utah to work with P. Sadayappan during the month of November. He worked on abstract simulation, and optimization of convolutions
Theo Barollet visited the Colorado State University to work with Steve Kommrusch during the month of October. He worked on graph neural networks.
Nicolas Tollenaere visited the university of Utah to work with P. Sadayappan during the month of August. He worked on optimizing packing and transposition of tensors.