Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events: Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • Márton Karsai was in the organizing team (general chair) of the Computational Social Science Satellite of the CCS'19 Conference in September 2019 in Singapore

  • Márton Karsai was in the organizing team (general chair) of the Machine Learning and Network Science Satellite of the NetSci'19 Conference in June 2019 in Burlington (VT)

Scientific Events: Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees
  • Thomas Begin was co-Chair for the National Conference Algotel 2019.

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • Thomas Begin has been member of the PC for the conference IEEE LCN 2019

  • Isabelle Guérin Lassous has been a member of the PC for the following conferences in 2019: ACM MSWiM, Mascots, IEEE ICC, IEEE Globecom, IEEE WCNC.

  • Márton Karsai has been the member of the PC of the conferences: NetSci, CompleNet, IC2S2, Algotel, NetSciX, CSSCCS, MLNS, Complex Networks, CCS, IC2S2

  • Anthony Busson has been member of the PC for Algotel 2019, FNC 2019.

  • Christophe Crespelle


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • Isabelle Guérin Lassous is member of the editorial boards of Computer Communications (Elsevier), Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier) and Discrete Mathematics & Computer Science.

  • Anthony Busson is member of the editorial boards of Computer Communications (Elsevier).

  • Márton Karsai is member of the editorial boards of Advances in Complex Systems (World Scientific)

  • Márton Karsai is member of the editorial boards of PLoS ONE

  • Philippe Nain is a member of the Advisor Board of Performance Evaluation (Elsevier).

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Márton Karsai was acting as a reviewer for the journals of Nature Communications, PNAS, PRL, PRX, PRE, Scientific Reports, EPJ Data Science, SNAM, EPL, EPJ B, PLoS One, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, Physics Letter A, Advanced in Complex Systems, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Complex Networks, New Journal of Physics, Physica Scripta, Network Science; and for project agencies as ANR, FET-H2020 RIA.

  • Paulo Gonçalves was reviewer for the following journals: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Letter, Signal Processing (Elsevier).

  • Christophe Crespelle was a reviewer for Algorithmica (Springer) and Theoretical Computer Science (Elsevier).

  • Thomas Begin was a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, and Performance Evaluation.

  • Anthony Busson was a reviewer for Computer communication, Sensors, IEEE wireless communications letters.

Invited Talks

  • Thomas Begin gave the following invited talk:

    • Contributions to the Performance Modeling of Computer Networks - CITI lab (Avril 2019, Lyon, France)

  • Isabelle Guérin-Lassous gave the following invited talks:

    • UAVs and cellular networks: which usage, which constraints, which performance? - Entretiens Jacques Cartier (November 2019, Montreal, Canada)

    • How to improve the performance of a Wi-Fi network without changing the Wi-Fi technologie? - Séminaire ENS Rennes (September 2019, Rennes, France)

  • Márton Karsai gave the following invited talks:

    • Lecture in the Business Analytics and Data Mining MSc program - Bocconi University (7 March 2019, Milano, Italy)

    • Complex System Academy - Université de Côte d’Azure (25 March 2019, Nice, France)

    • YEP XV - Information Diffusion on Random Networks - TU/e, EUROSTAT (27 April 2019, Eindhoven, The Netherlands)

    • Lectures about Artificial Intelligence - EM Lyon Business School - AIM Institute (4 April 2019, Lyon, France)

    • MOTIF Conference on Human Dynamics - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (10 April 2019, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)

    • UNICEF Innovation seminar - UNICEF Innovation Office - United Nations (4 June 2019, New York, NY, USA)

    • MédiaLab seminar - SciencePo Paris (25 June 2019, Paris, France)

    • AGRANDA Simposio Argentino de Ciencia de Datos Grandes Datos - 48 JAIIO (17 Septemner 2019, Salta, Argentina)

    • Kickoff meeting of the DYNASNET Synergy ERC project - Central European University (23 September 2019, Budapest, Hungary)

    • Dondena Seminar Series- Bocconi University (14 October 2019, Milano, Italy)

    • Agglomeration and Social Networks Seminar - MTA Center for Economic and Regional Studies (8 November 2019, Budapest, Hungary)

    • BigData and Mobility Workshop - University of Havana (25-26 November, Havana, Cuba)

Scientific Expertise

  • Isabelle Guérin Lassous

    • has been a member of the strategic consulting of the Fondation Blaise Pascal since September 2019.

    • has been a member of the scientific council of the Société Informatique de France since November 2019

  • Éric Guichard

    • is a member of the scientific committee of LASCO Idea Lab of the IMT (LAboratoire Sens et COmpréhension du monde contemporain de l'Institut Mines-Télécom).

    • is a member of the international evaluation board of the doctoral program Filosofia da Ciencia, Tecnologia, Arte e Sociedade of the University of Lisbon.

    • is the manager of the RAIL (Réseau de l'Atelier Internet Lyonnais), founded in 2017 and supported by IXXI and Enssib.

Research Administration

  • Paulo Gonçalves

    • is scientific liaison officer for international relations in Inria Research Centre of Rhône-Alpes.

    • is a member of the executive committee of the Milyon labex and referent for its valorisation committee.

    • is correspondant for the theme "Big Data" of the Fédération d'Informatique de Lyon.

    • is member of the Council of the LIP laboratory.

  • Isabelle Guérin Lassous

    • is member of the department council of the Computer Science department of Université Lyon 1.

  • Anthony Busson

    • is member of the Thesis Commission at LIP.

    • is head of the computer science department at IUT (Institut Universitaire de Technologie) - Université Lyon Claude Bernard Lyon 1.

  • Thomas Begin

    • is an elected member of the Council of the LIP laboratory.

    • is an elected member of the department council of the Computer Science department of Université Lyon 1.

  • Márton Karsai

    • is the co-responsible for the M2 master program in Modelling of Complex Systems at ENS Lyon

    • is the elected council member of the Complex System Society (2015-)

    • is the elected member of executive committee of the Complex System Society (2018-)

    • is the elected member of the steering committee of the IXXI Complex System Institute (2017-)

    • is the member of the computational infrastructure board of LIP

    • is the member of the communication board of LIP

  • Éric Guichard is a member of the steering committee of the IXXI Complex System Institute