Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Thomas Begin: Distributed Algorithms, 18h, M1, Université Lyon 1.
Thomas Begin: Computer Networks, 44h, M1, Université Lyon 1.
Thomas Begin: System Administration & Security, 10.5h, M2, Université Lyon 1.
Thomas Begin: Advanced Networks, 58h, M2, Université Lyon 1.
Isabelle Guérin-Lassous: Distributed Algorithms, 30h, M1, Université Lyon 1.
Isabelle Guérin-Lassous: Networking, 14h, M1, Université Lyon 1.
Isabelle Guérin-Lassous: Wireless networks, 9h, M2, Université Lyon 1.
Isabelle Guérin-Lassous: Quality of Service, 5h, M2, Université Lyon 1.
Isabelle Guérin-Lassous: ToIP and streaming, 12h, M1, Université Lyon 1.
Éric Guichard: Économie du web et du document, 36h, M2, Enssib & Univ. Lyon 1.
Éric Guichard: Programmation éditoriale, 18h, M2, Enssib & Univ. Lyon 1.
Thomas Begin : Head of the Master 2 speciality SRIV (Systèmes, Réseaux et Infrastructures Virtuelles) at UCBL -
Isabelle Guérin Lassous has been appointed as the president of the CAPES NSI (Numérique et Science Informatique) committee since November 2019. This committee will be in charge of the recruitment of the computer science teachers in high schools.
Anthony Busson is head of the computer science department at IUT Lyon 1 Doua.
PhD defense: Esteban BAUTISTA RUIZ, “Laplacian Powers for Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning”, November 27, 2019. P. Gonçalves (Dir.).
PhD defense: Marija STOJANOVA, “Performance Modelling of IEEE 802.11 networks” ,December 16, 2019. T. Begin (Dir.)
PhD in progress: Mohamed Adbelwedoud LAFDAL, Inference of conflict graph in IEEE 802.11 networks. September 2017, A. Busson and I. Guérin Lassous
PhD in progress: Samuel UNICOMB, Spreading processes on temporal networks, Oct 2016, M. Karsai director
PhD in progress: Jacobo Levy ABITBOL, Information diffusion and language evolution on dynamical social networks, Oct 2016, M. Karsai director and E. Fleury
PhD in progress: Sicheng DAI, Dynamic Multilayer Network Modelling, M. Karsai director. Started October 1st, 2017.
PhD in progress: Gaetan FRUSQUE, Modal Decompositions of Dynamic Graphs : Application in Neurosciences, P. Gonçalves (Dir. and P. Borgnat, co-advisor). Started October 1st, 2017.
PhD in progress: Rémy GRÜNBLATT, Controlled mobility for UAV networks, October 2017, I. Guérin Lassous and O. Simonin.
PhD in progress: Dominique BARBE, From local to global learning, P. Gonçalves (Dir. with M. Sebban and P. Borgnat, co-advisors). Started October 1st, 2018.
PhD in progress: Nour el Houda BOUZOUITA, supervised by A. Busson and Hervé Rivano. Wi-Fi network Optimization through crowd sensing applications. November 2018 - November 2021.
Paulo Gonçalves was reviewer of the Ph.D thesis examination board of Xiaoyi MAI, Centrale Supelec, October 2019.
Paulo Gonçalves was member of the Ph.D thesis examination boards of Karina Ashurbekova (Université Grenoble Alpes, December 2019).
Isabelle Guérin Lassous was a reviewer of the Ph.D thesis examination boards of Fannia Pacheco (UPPA, November 2019) and Pierre Brunisholz (Université Grenoble Alpes, May 2019).
Isabelle Guérin Lassous was a reviewer of the HDR examination board of Géraldine Texier (IMT-Atlantique, December 2019).
Isabelle Guérin Lassous was the president of the Ph.D thesis examination boards of Marc Heinrich (Université de Lyon, July 2019) and Thierry Arrabal (Université Franche-Comté, November 2019).
Isabelle Guérin Lassous was the president of the HDR examination boards of Christophe Alias (ENS de Lyon, May 2019), Marton Karsai (ENS de Lyon, April 2019) and Razvan Stanica (INSA de Lyon, November 2019).
Isabelle Guérin Lassous was a member of the Ph.D thesis examination board of Jalal Rachad (Telecom Paris, December 2019).
Isabelle Guérin Lassous was a member of the HDR examination board of Katia Jaffres-Runser (INP Toulouse, July 2019).
Thomas Begin was a reviewer of the Ph.D. thesis examination board of Amira KAMLI, TélécomParisSud, October 2019.
Márton Karsai was the member of the Prix de Thèse Systm̀es Complexes - Complex System Institute, July 2019
Márton Karsai was the member of the PhD jury of Jordam Cambe (ENS Lyon), October 2019
Anthony Busson was a reviewer of the Ph.D thesis examination board of Jalal Rachad (Telecom Paris, December 2019).
Anthony Busson was a reviewer of the Ph.D thesis examination board of Henri-Joseph Audeoud (Université Grenoble Alpes, December 2019).