Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Mark Crovella, Professor at Boston University, visited us in March 2019 and gave a talk at Forum Numerica of Université Côte d'Azur. Mark is currently collaborating with Chadi Barakat on network-wide anomaly detection within the IPL BetterNet.
Houssam Elbouanani
Date: from March 2019 to August 2019
Institution: Ubinet Master 2 program at Université Côte D'Azur
Supervisors: Chadi Barakat and Guillaume Urvoy-Keller
Subject: Measurement as a Service in modern Data Centers
Anas Errahali
Date: from March 2019 to August 2019
Institution: Ubinet Master 2 program at Université Côte D'Azur
Supervisosr: Walid Dabbous and Thierry Turletti
Subject: Enhancing geolocation accuracy in LoRa Low Power Wide Area Networks
Youssef Rachid
Date: from March 2019 to August 2019
Institution: Ubinet Master 2 program at Université Côte D'Azur
Supervisor: Arnaud Legout
Subject: Exploring bias in the YouTube recommendation system.
Tareq Si Salem
Date: from March 2019 to August 2019
Institution: Ubinet Master 2 program at Université Côte D'Azur
Supervisor: Arnaud Legout
Subject: Identifying exposure profiles of Electrosmart users.
Visits to International Teams
Mohamed Naoufal Mahfoudi spent six months (october 2018, March 2019) PhD internship in University of California at San Diego in Professor Xinyu Zhang team. During this period he worked on a new passive localization system based on deep learning.
Tingting Yuan spent a 3-week visit at UNICAMP, Brazil, in the context of the DrIVE associated team (Oct 21 – Nov 8, 2019).