Section: New Results
Experimental Evaluation
Exploiting the cloud for Mininet performance
Participants: Giuseppe Di Lena, Damien Saucez, Thierry Turletti.
Networks have become complex systems that combine various concepts, techniques, and technologies. As a consequence , modelling or simulating them is now extremely complicated and researchers massively resort to prototyping techniques. Among other tools, Mininet is the most popular when it comes to evaluate SDN propositions. It allows to emulate SDN networks on a single computer. However, under certain circumstances experiments (e.g., resource intensive ones) may overload the host running Mininet. To tackle this issue, we propose Distrinet, a way to distribute Mininet over multiple hosts. Distrinet uses the same API than Mininet, meaning that it is compatible with Mininet programs. Distrinet is generic and can deploy experiments in Linux clusters or in the Amazon EC2 cloud. Thanks to optimization techniques, Distrinet minimizes the number of hosts required to perform an experiment given the capabilities of the hosting infrastructure, meaning that the experiment is run in a single host (as Mininet) if possible. Otherwise, it is automatically deployed on a platform using a minimum amount of resources in a Linux cluster or with a minimum cost in Amazon EC2. This work has been presented at the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet) [22]. Distrinet has been demonstrated both at the IEEE CloudNet conference and at the ACM CoNEXT conference in Orlando USA in December 2019 [39].
Distributed Network Experiment Emulation
Participants: Giuseppe Di Lena, Damien Saucez, Thierry Turletti, Walid Dabbous.
With the ever growing complexity of networks, researchers have to rely on test-beds to be able to fully assess the quality of their propositions. In the meanwhile, Mininet offers a simple yet powerful API, the goldilocks of network emulators. We advocate that the Mininet API is the right level of abstraction for network experiments. Unfortunately it is designed to be run on a single machine. To address this issue we developed a distributed version of Mininet-Distrinet-that can be used to perform network experiments in any Linux-based testbeds, either public or private. To properly use testbed resources and avoid over-commitment that would lead to inaccurate results, Distrinet uses optimization techniques that determine how to orchestrate the experiments within the testbed. Its programmatic approach, its ability to work on various testbeds, and its optimal management of resources make Distrinet a key element to reproducible research. This work has been presented at the Global Experimentation for Future Internet - Workshop (GeFi) workshop November 2019, at Coimbra in Portugal [38].
Evaluating smartphone performance for cellular power measurement. Under submission
Participants: Yanis Boussad, Arnaud Legout.
From crowdsource data collection to automation and robotics, mobile smartphones are well suited for various use cases given the rich hardware components they feature. Researchers can now have access to various sensors such as barometers, magnetometers, orientation sensors, in addition to multiple wireless technologies all on a single and relatively cheap mobile smartphone. In this work, we study the performance of smartphones to measure cellular wireless power. We performed our experiments inside an anechoic chamber in order to compare the measurements of smartphone to the ones obtained with professional spectrum analyzer. We first evaluate the effect of orientation on the received power, then we propose a way to improve the accuracy of smartphone power measurements by using the orientation sensors. We improve the accuracy of the measurements from 25 dBm RMSE to no more than 6 dBm RMSE. We also show how we can exploit the characteristics of the reception pattern of the smartphone to determine the angle of arrival of the signal. The results of this work are described in a research report under submission [32].
Towards Reproducible Wireless Experiments Using R2lab
Participants: Mohamed Naoufal Mahfoudi, Thierry Parmentelat, Thierry Turletti, Walid Dabbous.
Reproducibility is key in designing wireless systems and evaluating their performance. Trying to reproduce wireless experiments allowed us to identify some pitfalls and possible ways to simplify the complex task of avoiding them. In this research report, we expose a few considerations that we learned are instrumental for ensuring the reproducibility of wireless experiments. Then we describe the steps we have taken to make our experiments easy to reproduce. We specifically address issues related to wireless hardware, as well as varying propagation channel conditions. We show that extensive knowledge of the used hardware and of its design is required to guarantee that the inner state of the system has no negative impact on performance evaluation and experimental results. As for variability of channel conditions, we make the case that a special setup or testbed is necessary so that one can control the ambient wireless propagation environment, using for instance, an anechoic chamber like R2lab. This work is published as research report [33].
A step towards runnable papers using R2lab
Participants: Thierry Parmentelat, Mohamed Naoufal Mahfoudi, Thierry Turletti, Walid Dabbous.
In this research report, we present R2lab, an open, electromagnetically insulated research testbed dedicated to wireless networking. We describe the hardware capabilities currently available in terms of Software Defined Radio, and the software suite made available to deploy experiments. Using a generic experiment example, we show how it all fits into a notebook-based approach to getting closer to runnable papers. This work is published as research report [34].