Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events: Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair

Islam Boussaada is co-leading the national research group Tools for analysis and synthesis of infinite-dimensional systems (GT OSYDI) of the CNRS/GDR MACS ( https://gdr-macs.cnrs.fr/groupe-de-travail/osydi).

Member of the Organizing Committees

Catherine Bonnet was member of the organizing committee of SIAM CT19, Chendu China, July 2019.

Scientific Events: Selection

  • Catherine Bonnet was Associate Editor for the 2019 American Control Conference, Philadelphia, USA and the 2020 American Control Conference, Denver, USA.

  • Catherine Bonnet and Islam Boussaada were Associate Editor for the Joint IFAC Conference 7th Symposium on System Structure and Control (SSSC 2019) and 15th IFAC Workshop on Delay Systems, Sinaia, Roumania, Sept 2019.

  • Frédéric Mazenc was Associate Editor for the conferences 2019 American Control Conference, Philadelphia, USA and for the European Control Conference 2020, St Petersburg.

  • Giorgio Valmorbida was an Associate Editor for the 2019 American Control Conference, Philadelphia, USA and the 2020 American Control Conference, Denver, USA. He was also Associate editor for the 58th Conference in Decision and Control, Nice, France. Silviu Niculescu is the IEEE CSS (Control System Society) representative for the series of IEEE Conferences (nternational Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing,): http://icstcc2019.cs.upt.ro

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • Catherine Bonnet and Giorgio Valmorbida are members of the scientific committee of the GDRI (International Research Group funded by CNRS) SpaDisco since 2017.

  • Giorgio Valmorbida is a member of the steering committee of the GDRI (International Research Group funded by CNRS) SpaDisco since 2017.

  • Catherine Bonnet and Islam Boussaada were members of the International Program Committee of the Joint IFAC Conference 7th Symposium on System Structure and Control (SSSC 2019) and 15th IFAC Workshop on Delay Systems, Sinaia, Roumania, Sept 2019.


The team reviewed papers for several international conferences including IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE American Control Conference, European Control Conference ...


Member of the Editorial Boards

Frédéric Mazenc is member of the editorial boards of the following journals:

  • Asian Journal of Control : Editor;

  • IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Associate Editor;

  • European Journal of Control, Associate Editor;

  • Journal of Control and Decision, Associate Editor;

  • IEEE Control Systems Letters, Associate Editor.

Silviu Niculescu is the Founding Editor and the Editor-in-Chief (since its creation in 2012) of the Springer (hard-cover) book series Advances in Delays and Dynamics ADD@S https://www.springer.com/series/11914.

He is Associate Editor at European Journal of Control (since 2011).

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

The team reviewed papers for several journals including SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Systems and Control Letters ...

Invited Talks

Giorgio Valmorbida was invited to give a talk in the workshop Scientific Computing Across Scales: Extreme Events and Criticality in Fluid Mechanics in April 15 - 18, 2019, at The Fields Institute 15-17, Toronto, CA.

Frédéric Mazenc was invited to give a talk in the CINVESTAV, IPN: Model Reduction and Predictor Control, in August 2, 2019, Mexico City, Mexico.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

Catherine Bonnet is a member of the IFAC Technical Committees on Distributed Parameter Systems and on Biological and Medical Systems. She is a member of the management committee of the COST Action FRACTAL (2016-2020).

Silviu Niculescu is the chair of the IFAC TC 2.2 "Linear Control Systems" since 2017 (including 300-350 researchers throught the world). The TC is coordinating 4 "Working Groups" (WG) including the WG on "Time-Delay Systems".

Scientific Expertise

Since September 2015, Catherine Bonnet is a member of the Evaluation Committee of Inria and since 2019 of the Bureau of the Evaluation Committee of Inria.

Since September 2016, Islam Boussaada is a member of the Scientific Council of IPSA (Engineering School in Aeronautic and Aerospace approved by CTI).

Since September 2018, Islam Boussaada is a member of the Development Council of Sup'Biotech (Engineering School in Biotechnologies approved by CTI).

Since 2014, Frédéric Mazenc is an expert for the FNRS (Belgium). His mission consists in evaluating research projects funded by this institution.

Since 2012, Frédéric Mazenc is a, expert for the ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes, Italy). His mission consists in evaluating the contribution of Italian scientists.

Since 2011, Frédéric Mazenc is a, expert for the Romanian National Council for Development and Innovation (Romania). His mission consists in evaluating research projects funded by the this institution.

Research Administration

Catherine Bonnet is a member of the

  • Parity Committee of Inria created sice its creation in 2015.

  • Bureau du Comité des Projets du CRI Saclay-Ile-de-France since 2018.

  • Coordination committee of the Mentoring Program of Inria Saclay-Île-de-France.

  • PhD referent committee at L2S, CentraleSupelec.

  • Administration council of the association Femmes et Mathématiques

Since October 2017, Frédéric Mazenc is Correspondant Inria Saclay A.M.I.E.S., http://www.agence-maths-entreprises.fr/. Since September 2019, he is member of "la Commission de Déloppement Technologique". He is member of the “Conseil du Laboratory of Signal and Systems".