Section: New Results
Results on Software Language Engineering
Software Language Extension Problem
The problem of software language extension and composition drives much of the research in Software Language Engineering (SLE). Although various solutions have already been proposed, there is still little understanding of the specific ins and outs of this problem, which hinders the comparison and evaluation of existing solutions. In [34], we introduce the Language Extension Problem as a way to better qualify the scope of the challenges related to language extension and composition. The formulation of the problem is similar to the seminal Expression Problem introduced by Wadler in the late nineties, and lift it from the extensibility of single constructs to the extensibility of groups of constructs, i.e., software languages. We provide a comprehensive definition of the actual constraints when considering language extension, and believe the Language Extension Problem will drive future research in SLE, the same way the original Expression Problem helped to understand the strengths and weaknesses of programming languages and drove much research in programming languages.
A unifying framework for homogeneous model composition
The growing use of models for separating concerns in complex systems has lead to a proliferation of model composition operators. These composition operators have traditionally been defined from scratch following various approaches differing in formality, level of detail, chosen paradigm, and styles. Due to the lack of proper foundations for defining model composition (concepts, abstractions, or frameworks), it is difficult to compare or reuse composition operators. In [33], we stipulate the existence of a unifying framework that reduces all structural composition operators to structural merging, and all composition operators acting on discrete behaviors to event scheduling. We provide convincing evidence of this hypothesis by discussing how structural and behavioral homogeneous model composition operators (i.e., weavers) can be mapped onto this framework. Based on this discussion, we propose a conceptual model of the framework, and identify a set of research challenges, which, if addressed, lead to the realization of this framework to support rigorous and efficient engineering of model composition operators for homogeneous and eventually heterogeneous modeling languages.
Advanced and efficient execution trace management for executable domain-specific modeling languages
Executable Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (xDSMLs) enable the application of early dynamic verification and validation (V&V) techniques for behavioral models. At the core of such techniques, execution traces are used to represent the evolution of models during their execution. In order to construct execution traces for any xDSML, generic trace metamodels can be used. Yet, regarding trace manipulations, generic trace metamodels lack efficiency in time because of their sequential structure, efficiency in memory because they capture superfluous data, and usability because of their conceptual gap with the considered xDSML. Our contribution in [26] is a novel generative approach that defines a multidimensional and domain-specific trace metamodel enabling the construction and manipulation of execution traces for models conforming to a given xDSML. Efficiency in time is improved by providing a variety of navigation paths within traces, while usability and memory are improved by narrowing the scope of trace metamodels to fit the considered xDSML. We evaluated our approach by generating a trace metamodel for fUML and using it for semantic differencing, which is an important V&V technique in the realm of model evolution. Results show a significant performance improvement and simplification of the semantic differencing rules as compared to the usage of a generic trace metamodel.
From DSL specification to interactive computer programming environment
The adoption of Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) relies on the capacity of language workbenches to automate the development of advanced and customized environments. While DSLs are usually well tailored for the main scenarios, the cost of developing mature tools prevents the ability to develop additional capabilities for alternative scenarios targeting specific tasks (e.g., API testing) or stakeholders (e.g., education). In [47], we propose an approach to automatically generate interactive computer programming environments from existing specifications of textual interpreted DSLs. The approach provides abstractions to complement the DSL specification, and combines static analysis and language transformations to automate the transformation of the language syntax, the execution state and the execution semantics. We evaluate the approach over a representative set of DSLs, and demonstrate the ability to automatically transform a textual syntax to load partial programs limited to a single statement, and to derive a Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) from the specification of a language interpreter.
Live-UMLRT: A Tool for Live Modeling of UML-RT Models
In the context of Model-driven Development (MDD) models can be executed by interpretation or by the translation of models into existing programming languages, often by code generation. In [42] we present Live-UMLRT, a tool that supports live modeling of UML-RT models when they are executed by code generation. Live-UMLRT is entirely independent of any live programming support offered by the target language. This independence is achieved with the help of a model transformation which equips the model with support for, e.g., debugging and state transfer both of which are required for live modeling. A subsequent code generation then produces a self-reflective program that allows changes to the model elements at runtime (through synchronization of design and runtime models). We have evaluated Live-UMLRT on several use cases. The evaluation shows that (1) code generation, transformation, and state transfer can be carried out with reasonable performance, and (2) our approach can apply model changes to the running execution faster than the standard approach that depends on the live programming support of the target language. A demonstration video:
Applying model-driven engineering to high-performance computing: Experience report, lessons learned, and remaining challenges
In [35], we present a framework for generating optimizing compilers for performance-oriented embedded DSLs (EDSLs). This framework provides facilities to automatically generate the boilerplate code required for building DSL compilers on top of the existing extensible optimizing compilers. We evaluate the practicality of our framework by demonstrating a real-world use-case successfully built with it.
Software languages in the wild (Wikipedia)
Wikipedia is a rich source of information across many knowledge domains. Yet, recovering articles relevant to a specific domain is a difficult problem since such articles may be rare and tend to cover multiple topics. Furthermore, Wikipedia’s categories provide an ambiguous classification of articles as they relate to all topics and thus are of limited use. In [46], we develop a new methodology to isolate Wikipedia’s articles that describe a specific topic within the scope of relevant categories; the methodology uses super- vised machine learning to retrieve a decision tree classifier based on articles’ features (URL patterns, summary text, infoboxes, links from list articles). In a case study, we retrieve 3000+ articles that describe software (computer) languages. Available fragments of ground truths serve as an essential part of the training set to detect relevant articles. The results of the classification are thoroughly evaluated through a survey, in which 31 domain experts participated.