Section: Research Program

Computational Anatomy, Geometric Statistics

Computational anatomy is an emerging discipline at the interface of geometry, statistics and image analysis which aims at developing algorithms to model and analyze the biological shape of tissues and organs. The goal is not only to establish generative models of organ anatomies across diseases, populations, species or ages but also to model the organ development across time (growth or aging) and to estimate their variability and link to other functional, genetic or structural information. Computational anatomy is a key component to support computational physiology and is evidently crucial for building the e-patient and to support e-medicine. Pivotal applications include the spatial normalization of subjects in neuroscience (mapping all the anatomies into a common reference system) and atlas to patient registration to map generic knowledge to patient-specific data. Our objectives will be to develop new efficient algorithmic methods to address the emerging challenges described below and to generate precise specific anatomical model in particular for the brain and the heart, but also other organs and structures (e.g. auditory system, lungs, breasts, etc.).

The objects of computational anatomy are often shapes extracted from images or images of labels (segmentation). The observed organ images can also be modeled using registration as the random diffeomorphic deformation of an unknown template (i.e. an orbit).In these cases as in many other applications, invariance properties lead us to consider that these objects belong to non-linear spaces that have a geometric structure. Thus, the mathematical foundations of computational anatomy rely on statistics on non-linear spaces.

  • Geometric Statistics aim at studying this abstracted problem at the theoretical level. Our goal is to advance the fundamental knowledge in this area, with potential applications to new areas outside of medical imaging. Several challenges which constitute shorter term objectives in this direction are described below.

  • Large databases and longitudinal evolution: The emergence of larger databases of anatomical images (ADNI, UK biobank) and the increasing availability of temporal evolution drives the need for efficient and scalable statistical techniques. A key issue is to understand how to construct hierarchical models in a non-linear setting.

  • Non-parametric models of variability: Despite important successes, anatomical data also tend to exhibit a larger variability than what can be modeled with a standard multivariate unimodal Gaussian model. This raises the need for new statistical models to describe the anatomical variability like Bayesian statistics or sample-based statistical model like multi-atlas and archetypal techniques. A second objective is thus to develop efficient algorithmic methods for encoding the statistical variability into models.

  • Intelligible reduced-order models: Last but not least, these statistical models should live in low dimensional spaces with parameters that can be interpreted by clinicians. This requires of course dimension reduction and variable selection techniques. In this process, it is also fundamental to align the selected variable to a dictionary of clinically meaningful terms (an ontology), so that the statistical model can not only be used to predict but also to explain.

Geometric Statistics

  • Foundations of statistical estimation on geometric spaces: Beyond the now classical Riemannian spaces, this axis will develop the foundations of statistical estimation on affine connection spaces (e.g. Lie groups), quotient and stratified metric spaces (e.g. orbifolds and tree spaces). In addition to the curvature, one of the key problem is the introduction of singularities at the boundary of the regular strata (non-smooth and non-convex analysis).

  • Parametric and non-parametric dimension reduction methods in non-linear spaces: The goal is to extend what is currently done with the Fréchet mean (i.e. a 0-dimensional approximation space) to higher dimensional subspaces and finally to a complete hierarchy of embedded subspaces (flags) that iteratively model the data with more and more precision. The Barycentric Subspace Analysis (BSA) generalization of principal component analysis which was recently proposed in the team will of course be a tool of choice for that. In this process, a key issue is to estimate efficiently not only the model parameters (mean point, subspace, flag) but also their uncertainty. Here, we want to quantify the influence of curvature and singularities on non-asymptotic estimation theory since we always have a finite (and often too limited) number of samples. As the mean is generally not unique in curved spaces, this also leads to consider that the results of estimation procedures should be changed from points to singular distributions. A key challenge in developing such a geometrization of statistics will not only be to unify the theory for the different geometric structures, but also to provide efficient practical algorithms to implement them.

  • Learning the geometry from the data: Data can be efficiently approximated with locally Euclidean spaces when they are very finely sampled with respect to the curvature (big data setting). In the high dimensional low sample size (small data) setting, we believe that invariance properties are essential to reasonably interpolate and approximate. New apparently antagonistic notions like approximate invariance could be the key to this interaction between geometry and learning.

    Beyond the traditional statistical survey of the anatomical shapes that is developed in computational anatomy above, we intend to explore other application fields exhibiting geometric but non-medical data. For instance, applications can be found in Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), tree-spaces in phylogenetics, Quantum Physics, etc.