Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Colles: S. Chevillard has given “Colles” (oral examination preparing undergraduate students for the competitive examination to enter French Engineering Schools) at Centre International de Valbonne (CIV) (2 hours per week) until June 2019.
PhD in progress: K. Mavreas, Inverse source problems in planetary sciences: dipole localization in Moon rocks from sparse magnetic data, since October 2015, advisors: S. Chevillard, J. Leblond; defense scheduled January 31, 2020.
PhD in progress: G. Bose, Filter Design to Match Antennas, since December 2016, advisors: F. Ferrero, F. Seyfert and M. Olivi.
PhD in progress: S. Fueyo, Cycles limites et stabilité dans les circuits, since October 2016, advisors: L. Baratchart and J.-B. Pomet (Inria Sophia, McTao).
PhD in progress: P. Asensio, Inverse source estimation problems in EEG and MEG, since November 2019, advisors: L. Baratchart, J. Leblond.
PhD in progress: M. Nemaire, Inverse potential problems with application to quasi-static electromagnetics, since October 2019, advisors: L. Baratchart, J. Leblond, S. Kupin (IMB, Univ. Bordeaux).
Post-doc. in progress: V. L. Coli, Multiscale Tomography: imaging and modeling ancient materials, since March 2018, advisors: J. Leblond, L. Blanc-Féraud (project-team Morpheme, I3S-CNRS/Inria Sophia/iBV), D. Binder (CEPAM-CNRS, Nice).
L. Baratchart was a reviewer of the “Mémoire d'habilitation” of Moncef Mahjoub, ENIT, Tunis, September 2.
J. Leblond was a member of the PhD committees of I. Santos (Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, February), S. Amraoui and K. Maksymenko (Univ. Côte d'Azur, December).
M. Olivi was a member of the HdR committees of F. Seyfert (Univ. Côte d'Azur, February 6), C. Poussot-Vassals (Univ. Toulouse, July 12) and of the PhD committees of D. Martinez Martinez (Univ. Limoges, June 20) and P. Kergus (Univ. Toulouse, October 18)
F. Seyfert was a member of the PhD committee of Johan Sence (Univ. Limoges, November 15) and D. Martinez Martinez (Univ. Limoges, June 20).