Section: Dissemination


Internal or external Inria responsibilities

M. Olivi was responsible for Scientific Mediation and president of the Committee MASTIC (Commission d'Animation et de Médiation Scientifique) https://project.inria.fr/mastic/ until October 30.

Articles and contents

M. Olivi wrote a review of the book “Algorithms: la bombe à retardement” by C. O'Neil for Interstice https://interstices.info/sciences-du-numerique-et-impact-sur-la-societe/


“La fête des Maths de l'ESPE Nice-Liégeard” (March 5 and 26): M. Olivi animated two half-day workshop sessions “jouons avec des expériences scientifiques” https://pixees.fr/jouons-avec-des-experiences-scientifiques/ for primary school students.


  • “Fête de la science: Mouans-Sartoux fête les sciences du quotidien” (October 10-11 for scholars: 8 classes, October 12 for public: 1000 people): M. Olivi animated the activity “jouer à transmettre des images” in collaboration with the “espace de l'art concret” https://www.espacedelartconcret.fr/.

  • “Stage MathC2+” (June 19-22): M. Olivi animated a workshop session on “How to analyze sounds with mathematical functions”.

  • V. L. Coli gave a talk “Archéologie et mathématiques : algorithmes pour l'identification des gestes des premiers potiers”, and participated to the organization of the exhibition of the ANR project CIMO, Forum des Sciences, 80 years of CNRS, October, CIV, Valbonne.

  • Fabien Seyfert gave a pitch on Factas activities during the visit of the company SICAME (March 27) and Martine Olivi gave a pitch on Factas activities for the celebration of InriaTech 10th birthday (April 3)

Internal action

  • S. Chevillard gave a talk “Réchauffement climatique : où en est-on ? où va-t-on ?” at the c@fé-in of the Research Center, November.

  • V. L. Coli gave a talk “Archéologie et mathématiques : algorithmes pour l'identification des gestes des premiers potiers” at the c@fé-in of the Research Center, October. She also participated to the organization of the “1er Colloque doctoral préhistoire, paléoenvironnement, archéosciences”, November, MSHS, Nice, https://www.cepam.cnrs.fr/evenement/1er-colloque-doctoral-prehistoire-paleoenvironnement-archeosciences/, where she gave a talk “Approches mathématiques pour la caractérisation des potteries néolithiques”.

  • M. Olivi co-organized about 10 “cafés scientifiques” (c@fé-in's and cafés Techno, 30 to 80 participants each) https://project.inria.fr/mastic/category/cafein/

Creation of media or tools for science outreach

M. Olivi co-supervised the creation of new scientific wooden objects by SNJ AZUR (funds from APOCS region): pixel art and transmission of images https://pixees.fr/jouer-a-transmettre-des-images/, IA machine. She also co-supervised the creation of videos by Thibaut Ehlinger (internship) and Gregory Casala (apprenti), funds from Class'Code and the national network, see https://pixees.fr/pause-ta-science-une-chaine-pour-decrypter-les-objets-scientifiques/.