Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Project Thermin: Differential characterization of strains of a bacterial species, Streptococcus thermophilus, with a Nanopore MinION

Participants : Jacques Nicolas, Emeline Roux, Grégoire Siekaniec, Dominique Lavenier.

Coordinator: J. Nicolas (Inria/Irisa, GenScale, Rennes)

Duration: 36 months (Oct. 2018 – Sept. 2021)

Partners: INRA (STLO, Agrocampus Rennes, E. Guédon and Y. Le Loir).

The Thermin project aims at exploring the capacities of a low cost third generation sequencing device, the Oxford Nanopore MinION, for rapid and robust pan-genome discrimination of bacterial strains and their phenotypes. It started with the recruitments of E. Roux (délégation Inria, Oct, 2018), a biochemist from Lorraine University, and G. Siekaniec (INRA -Inria collaboration, INRA grant), a new PhD student. We study pan-genomic representations of multiple genomes and the production of characteristic signatures of each genome in this context.

Project DNA-Store: Advanced error correction scheme for DNA-based data storage using nanopore technology

Participants : Dominique Lavenier, Emeline Roux.

Coordinator: L. Conde-Canencia (UBS, Lab-STCC, IAS)

Duration: 12 months (Feb. 2019 - Feb. 2020)

Partners: UBS (Lab-STCC, IAS, L. Conde-Canencia)

The DNA-Store project is funded by the Labex CominLabs. The goal is to explore the possibility to store information on DNA molecules. As DNA sequencing (the reading process) is performed with the Oxford Nanopore technology, powerful error correcting codes need to be developed together with dedicated genomic data processing.