Section: Dissemination


Internal or external Inria responsibilities

  • George Drettakis chairs the local “Jacques Morgenstern” Colloquium organizing committee and was elected a member of the Inria Scientific Council.

Articles and contents

J. Philip participated in the Youtube video interview: Intelligences artificielles: créatives mais perverties ? - Macroscopie La chaine - Video link - July 2019.

The work of J. Philip was the topic of a press release: L'algorithme d'apprentissage profond qui permet de changer l'éclairage des photos et de vidéos. Link to inria Press release and other media coverage Link to Pix Fan press release

The work Multi-view relighting using a geometry-aware network was presented at Adobe Max - November 2019. The project was part of the 11 projects selected out of 200 to be presented at Adobe MAX under the name project #LightRightSneak Link to the event.

Some press coverage of this event regarding the project : Link to Tech cafe listen starting at 32'00". Link to slrlouge. Link to petapixel.