Section: New Results
Infrared Thermography
Long term thermal monitoring by standard passive Infrared thermography
Participants : Thibaud Toullier, Jean Dumoulin, Laurent Mevel.
The framework of latest technological improvements in low-cost infrared cameras have brought new opportunities for long-term infrastructures monitoring. Anyway, the accurate measurement of surfaces temperatures is facing the lack of knowledge of radiatives properties of the scene. By using multi-sensors instrumentation, the measurement model can be refined to get a better estimate of the temperature. To overcome a lack of sensors instrumentation, it has been shown that online and free available climatic data can be used. [15].
Long term thermal monitoring by multi-spectral infrared thermography
Participants : Thibaud Toullier, Jean Dumoulin, Laurent Mevel.
Bayesian methods to estimate simultaneously the emissivity and temperature have been developed and compared to literature's methods. A radiative exchange simulator of 3D scenes have been developed to compare those different methods on numerical data. This new software uses the hardware acceleration as well as a GPGPU approach to reduce the computation time. As a consequence, obtained numerical results emphasized an advanced use of multi-spectral infrared thermography for the monitoring of structures. This simultaneous estimation enables to have an estimate of the temperature by infrared thermography with a known uncertainty. [15].