Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts with Industry
Collaboration with SNCF on Road circuits
Participants : Vincent Le Cam, Arthur Bouché.
The 2 objectives of the Circuit de Voie project aimed to detect the phenomenon of deshuntage are, with SNCF Innovation Research, develop criteria and models to detect, in real time, the appearance of the phenomenon, and implementing in one of several PEGASE boxes spread over several test sites these models and comparison indicators.
3 criteria have been developed and validated in simulation on real dataset: 1 criterion in residual power on the spectral band of the harmonic of rank 3, a criterion of spectral shape recognition typical in case of bad deshuntage, a statistical criterion on the RMS component of the residual signal. Future work is envisaged in 2020 to go further in comparing these models with real field data and comparison with other detection systems. Several PEGASE units have been built, deployed and implemented for one-off or long-term measurement phases, including during deshuntage tests conducted by SNCF teams.
Collaboration with SNCF Reseau
Participants : Vincent Le Cam, Arthur Bouché.
SNCF has commissioned 5 new DETECTEAU water level sensors adapted to the conditions of nozzles and waterways in the rail network. From a technological point of view the sensor is of small size and very weak consumption. DETECTEAU communicates according to the LORA network. From September to November 2019, one to 3 sites of LGV Paris East will probably be deployed. Scientifically a dynamic sending algorithm has been implemented, taking into account the dynamics of the watercourse (sending more information if there are phases of flood or recession). As it stands, the DETEC-TEAU project is opening the field, probably for 2020, to a more scientific follow-up of the project where the data collected will feed watershed flow models that SNCF wishes to qualify.
Collaboration with SNCF : Hot boxes detection
Participants : Jean Dumoulin, Thibaud Toullier.
The main strategic issue is the maintenance in operational condition of the Hot Box Detectors (DBC). The removal of the DBC from the track is part of Tech4Rail's ambition: reducing equipment to the track. The innovation aimed at in this project is to study and develop a measurement solution to be deployed at the edge of a lane out of danger zone and independent of track equipment. Among the scientific obstacles identified are the following three:
the behavior of the measurement system in deteriorated meteorological conditions in a real site
the design and implementation of an automated prototype for in-situ deployment (connection to an existing announcement system, hardware packaging of the system, study and design of a scalable software solution allowing pre-processing data).
the development of automatic processing tools for the analysis of massive data generated by in-situ measurement systems
Contract with SIEMENS : Poof of Concept monitoring coupled with prediction model for deicing metro lane surface
Participants : Jean Dumoulin, Nicolas Le Touz, Thibaud Toullier.
This proof of concept aims at combining real site monitoring solutions with adjoint state FE thermal model approach to predict optimal heating required to preserve surface from icing in winter conditions. Furthermore, we introduced in our prediction model connection with in-line weather forecast provided by Meteo France Geoservice at different time horizon and spatial scale.