Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Collaboration with University of British Columbia, Canada
Participants : Laurent Mevel, Michael Doehler, Alexander Mendler.
Alexander Mendler's PhD thesis started in September 2018 co-supervised by M. Doehler and C. Ventura. A. Mendler spent 6 months in Rennes in 2019 thanks to a MITACS grant.
Collaboration with BAM, Germany
Participants : Laurent Mevel, Michael Doehler, Eva Viefhues.
Eva Viefhues is currently PhD student of Laurent Mevel and Michel Doehler in Berlin, financed by BAM. M. Doehler is also associate researcher at BAM since 2016. Besides the supervision of the PhD, collaboration on temperature robustness is ongoing with BAM [18], [24].
Collaboration with Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Participants : Michael Doehler, Laurent Mevel.
During COST Action TU 1402 and previously at BAM, collaboration with Sebastian Thöns from DTU in Denmark started on risk analysis and SHM based reliability updating. Also, Aalborg University's PhD student Lijia Long is involved.
Collaboration with Aalborg University, Denmark
Participant : Michael Doehler.
Together with Structural Vibration Solutions, collaboration with Aalborg University (professor Lars Damkilde, Department of Civil Engineering) happened during the PhD of Szymon Gres on damage detection methods, with current conference publications [29], [30]. The PhD has been defended on November 19, 2019.
Collaboration with Laval University, Canada
Participant : Jean Dumoulin.
In the Framework of On Duty Project ( we are working on Non Destructive Testing techniques and automation of inspection process. Jean Dumoulin spent 10 days in Canada in 2019 devoted to corrosion detection by active infrared thermography NDT approach.