Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
J.Dumoulin is
member of the scientific committee of the GI Division (Geosciences Instrumentation and Data Systems) of EGU (European Geosciences Union) for infrastructure instrumentation and monitoring since April 2013. (
member of the scientific committee of QIRT (quantitative Infrared Thermography) since February 2014 (
Co-organizer of sub-Program group PG4: Earth Surface Investigation Method at General Assembly of EGU 2019 (
Q. Zhang is
member of the international program commitee (technical associate editor) of the 21st IFAC World Congress that will take place in Berlin, Germany, July 12-17, 2020.
member of IFAC Technical Committee on Modelling, Identification and Signal Processing (TC 1.1).
member of IFAC Technical Committee on Adaptive and Learning Systems (TC 1.2).
member of IFAC Technical Committee on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes (TC 6.4).
L. Mevel is
V. Le Cam is
M. Doehler is
M. Doehler was reviewer for ECC 2020.
J. Dumoulin was reviewer for EGU 2019, QIRT ASIA 2019 and SFT 2019.
Q. Zhang was reviewer for CDC 2019, IFAC Word Congress 2020.
Member of the Editorial Boards
L. Mevel is member of the editorial board of the journal Mathematical Problems in Engineering, and of the journal Shock and Vibration.
Q. Zhang is member of the editorial board of the journal of Intelligent Industrial Systems.
J. Dumoulin is member of the editorial board of the journal Quantitative Infrared Thermography, and Executive Editor for the journal Geoscientific Instrumentation and Data Systems.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
L. Mevel was reviewer for Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Engineering Structures.Structural Control and Health Monitoring
M. Doehler was reviewer for Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Engineering Structures, Philosophical Transactions A Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Computers and Structures, Structural Health Monitoring.
J. Dumoulin was reviewer for Quantitative Infrared Thermography Journal, GI Journal (EGU), SFT conference, Engineering Geology, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, Remote sensing of environment, Structural Health Monitoring, Composites Structures
Invited Talks
L. Ibos and J. Dumoulin, « Thermographie infrarouge: du laboratoire vers les mesures de terrain », Atelier Métrologie Thermique Avancée, SFT 2019 (Congrès annuel de la Société Française de Thermique), Nantes, France, 3 – 6 juin 2019.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
V. Le Cam organized the 2nd SHM France meeting in Nantes, together with CEA and Precend.
Scientific Expertise
V. Le Cam did an expertise in the context of EFFICACITY IRT. The expertise was about the instrumentation of RATP station and the control of the speed of escalators.
V. Le Cam helped SNCF Reseau to dissiminate at industrial results the monitoring of axle counters developed in 2018.
Arthur Bouché did an expertise for SNCF about electromagnetism and axle counters.
Ivan Guéguen did an expertise for ASCQUER for labelization of Lacroix Millenium lights for construction sites.
Research Administration
V. Le Cam is member of the scientific council of WEN (West Electronic Network) since 2014, which is a cluster of about 200 companies, academics and research laboratories active in electronics.