Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria International Partners
Informal International Partners
We are collaborating with Professor of Law, Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius from the Radbound University Nijmegen and Amsterdam Law School (double affiliation). We are studying General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ePrivacy Regulation and their application to Web tracking technologies.
We have been collaborating with Prof. Benoit Baudry from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden and with Pierre Laperdrix from Stony Brook University on the survey of browser fingerprinting technologies.
We are setting a new collaboration with Dr. Zinaida Benenson from University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, to study Human Factors in Privacy: in particular, to set up user studies to evaluate their perception and understanding of the cookie banners design and measure the influence of dark patterns on user decisions.
We are setting a new collaboration with Prof. Martin Johns from TU Braunschweig, Germany, to work on cryptographic primitives to include proof of ownership in browser cookies that would facilitate the exercise of GDRP subject access rights. The is a joint collaboration with Cedric Lauradoux from Privatics.
We are pursuing our collaboration on session types with Prof. Mariangiola Dezani Ciancaglini from the University of Torino and Prof. Paola Giannini from the University of Piemonte Orientale. This year, this collaboration was extended to Dr. Ross Horne from the University of Luxemburg. We also continue to collaborate with Dr. Jorge Pérez and his PhD student Mauricio Cano, from the University of Groningen, on the integration of session types with synchronous reactive programming.
We are pursuing our collaboration on reactive programming and on higher contracts for security with Prof. Robby Findler from Northwestern University in Chicago.
We are pursuing our collaboration with Prof. Marc Feeley from Univerisity of Montréal on the compilation of dynamic languages.
Participation in Other International Programs
International Initiatives
Title: Detection strategies based on Software Metrics for Multitier JavaScript
International Partners (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
See also:
JavaScript is the most popular object scripting programming language. It is extensively used conceived only for scripting, it is frequently used in large applications. The rapid adoption of JavaScript has outpaced the Software Engineering community to propose solutions to ensure a satisfactory code quality production. This situation has favored the production of poor quality JavaScript applications: we have found across JavaScript applications a large presence of dead-code (i.e., source code portion that is never used) and code duplications. These symptoms are known to lead to maintenance and performance degradation. Moreover, we have previously analyzed potential security threats to JavaScript applications produced by bad coding practices. The DAJA project will provide methodologies, techniques, and tools to ease the maintenance of software applications written in JavaScript while improving its security.