Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
We are collaborating with Cristiana Teixeira Santos from University Toulouse 1-Capitole. Cristiana is a postdoc in Data Protection Law with whom we have been analyzing legal requirements for GDPR consent, and cookie banners in particular. Cristiana has visited us two times in 2019 and will be hired as a postdoc for Inria AEx project DATA4US in 2020.
As part of our ongoing collaboration on GDPR Subject Access Rights, Cedric Lauradoux has visited us several times in 2019, to expand our existing work [13] and establish new research directions. Cedris is a co-PI for Inria AEx project DATA4US.
We are collaborating with Prof. Marc Feeley from University of Montréal. For the third consecutive year, M. Feeley has visited us for studying implementation of dynamic languages, and in particular we started a study of the efficient compilation of the Python programming language.
We are collaborating with Prof. Andrei Sabelfeld from Chalmers University of Technology. A.Sabelfeld has visited us for one month in July 2019 for studying remote timing attackers in the context of IoT frameworks.
Prof. Robby Findler and his PhD student Spencer Florence visited us in July, where we have organized a mini-workshop during a week, working with Prof. G. Berry and J. Krishnamurthy on the semantics and implementation of reactive languages.
Nataliia Bielova has co-supervised Hicham Lesfari for 3 months together with Frederic Giroire from Inria Coati team.
Nataliia Bielova has supervised the intern Michael Toth as a "relai-de-these" for 2 months.
Ilaria Castellani and Tamara Rezk supervised the intern Carlo Prato for 6 months.
Tamara Rezk supervised the ENS L3 internship of Maxime Legoupil for 7 weeks in June and July 2019.
Tamara Rezk has co-supervised the ENS L3 internship of Clément Ogier in July 2019.
Tamara Rezk supervised the internship of Adam Khayam for 6 months.
Tamara Rezk supevised -as tutor- the internship of Ayoub Ider Aghbal in a company.
Visits to International Teams
For the third consecutive year, Manuel Serrano and Gérard Berry visited Prof. Robby Findler at University of Northeastern in Chicago. This time, Tamara Rezk joined the delegation that also visited Prof. Christos Dimoulas also working at Northeastern University. The Indes team and Findler's team have applied for the second time to the Inria Associated Team program.