Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events: Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Ilaria Castellani was the co-chair (together with Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Antonio Ravara and Alexandra Silva) of the workshop “Open Problems in Concurrency Theory 2019” (OPCT 2019), which was held in affiliation with the POPL 2019 conference in Lisbon, on January 14-15, 2019.
Ilaria Castellani was the co-chair (together with Mohammad Reza Mousavi) of the workshop TRENDS 2019, the annual event of the IFIP WG1.8 on Concurrency Theory, which took place in Amsterdam on August 31, 2019, in association with the CONCUR 2019 conference.
Nataliia Bielova was the co-chair (together with François Pellegrini) of the CNIL-Inria Privacy Award 2019. The award ceremony will take place at the CPDP 2020 conference in Brussels.
Member of the Organizing Committees
Manuel Serrano organized the IFIP 2.16 (working group on Language Design) workshop in Nice from November 11th to November 15th
Scientific Events: Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Ilaria Castellani served in the Program Committees of the conference CONCUR 2019 and the workshop EXPRESS/SOS 2019.
Nataliia Bielova served in the Program Committees of the workshop MADWeb 2019, and the conferences PETs 2019, IEEE SecDev 2019, and IEEE EuroS&P 2019.
Manuel Serrano served in the Program Committee of ProWeb'19 workshop. He was member of the ACM Software award
Tamara Rezk served in the Program Committees of the workshops MADWeb 2019, SSIoT 2019, PriSC 2019, and the conferences IEEE SecDev 2019, and NDSS 2019, and Programming.
The team members have been reviewers for the following conferences and workshops: CONCUR'19, EXPRESS/SOS'19, PETs 2019, IEEE SecDev 2019, IEEE EuroS&P 2019, OOPSLA'19, ....
Member of the Editorial Boards
Ilaria Castellani was a member of the editorial board of Technique et Science Informatiques, a French journal ended in June 2019.
Ilaria Castellani (together with Mohammad Reza Mousavi) was guest editor for the JLAMP special issue on Trends in Concurrency Theory (Selected invited contributions from the workshops TRENDS 2015 and TRENDS 2016), J. Log. Algebr. Meth. Program., vol. 107, 2019 [19].
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Invited Talks
Nataliia Bielova has been a keynote at the the Francophone workshop on Privacy Protection “ l'Atelier sur la Protection de la Vie Privée” (APVP), which took place in Cap Hornu (France) from 9 to 11 July 2019. Nataliia gave invited talks at SAP Labs (France), NOYB and TU Wien (Austria) in July/August 2019. She was an invited speaker at the Mozilla Security Summit on November 8, 2019, Vienna (Austria). presenting the joint work with Imane Fouad and Arnaud Legout.
Celestin Matte presented an ongoing work at the CNIL on October 1, 2019. Title of the talk: "Détection des violations du RGPD et de la directive e-Privacy dans les bannières de consentement aux cookies du Transparency and Consent Framework d'IAB Europe".
Manuel Serrano has been a invited to be a keynote at the Huawei European Research Symposium in January 2019. He presented his work on Hop and HipHop. He has been invited by RainCode, a Belgium company located in Brussels, specialized in language compilation, to give a talk on the static compilation of dynamic languages.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Ilaria Castellani is the chair of the IFIP TC1 WG 1.8 on Concurrency Theory since June 2014 (reelected for a second term in March 2018).
Ilaria Castellani was a member of the Management Committee of the COST Action IC1405 on Reversible Computation (until April 2019).
Nataliia Bielova is a member of the Steering Committee of ACM PLAS.
Tamara Rezk was a member of the Steering Committee of the POST conference during 2019 and is a member of the Steering Committee of the PriSC workshop.
Research Administration
Ilaria Castellani is a member of Inria’s “Comité Parité et Égalité des Chances”. In the Centre of Inria Sophia Antipolis, she is a member of the “Comité d’Animation et Médiation Scientifique” and of the “Comité Scientifique du Colloquium”. Within UCA, she is a member of the “Réseau Égalité” and of the organising committee of the seminar series “Forum Numerica”.
Ilaria Castellani was the chair of the “jury d'admissibilité” of the CRCN competition (for junior researcher permanent positions) in the Inria Centre of Grenoble Rhône Alpes.
Nataliia Bielova was a member of the hiring committee for an Inria chair position “enseignement et recherche dans le domaine de la cybersécurité” of Supelec in February 2019.
Nataliia Bielova is a member of “Comité du Suivi Doctoral (CSD)” (Supervision of PhD students) of the Inria Sophia Antipolis Mediterranée research center.
Since summer 2019, Manuel Serrano is vice-chair of the Inria evaluation committee (EC). The charge for this duty amounts to about 50% of his professional activities. He co-chaired the three research promotion juries of 2019. He chaired the Inria Algorithmics, Computer Algebra and Cryptology theme EC evaluation. He prepared the evaluation seminar of the Inria theme Embedded systems, Architecture, and Compilation.
Tamara Rezk was a member of " Commission de Développement Technologique (CDT)" of the Inria Sophia Antipolis Mediterranée research center.