Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events: Organization
General Chair, Scientific Chair
- Luc Bougé:
Steering Committee Chair of the Euro-Par International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing. Euro-Par celebrated its 25th anniversary in Göttingen, Germany, this year.
- Gabriel Antoniu:
Co-Chair of Conv'2019 - the HPC-AI-Big Data Convergence Days.
Member of the Organizing Committees
- Gabriel Antoniu:
Member of the Organizing Committee of Conv'2019, the HPC-AI-Big Data Convergence Days.
Scientific Events: Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
- Gabriel Antoniu:
Track Co-Chair for the Clouds and Distributed Systems Track of the ACM/IEEE SC19 conference, Denver, USA.
- Alexandru Costan:
Program Co-Chair of the ScienceCloud 2019 international workshop held in conjunction with ACM HPDC 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA.
Member of the Conference Program Committees
- Alexandru Costan:
IEEE/ACM SC'19 (Technical Program: Cloud Track, Posters and ACM Student Research Competition), ACM/IEEE CCGrid 2019, IEEE Cluster 2019, IEEE/ACM UCC 2019, IEEE Big Data 2019, SCRAMBL 2019, CSCS 2019, CEBDA 2019, CCIW 2019, IEEE CSE 2018, IEEE CloudCom 2019.
- Gabriel Antoniu:
Member of the Editorial Boards
- Gabriel Antoniu:
Associate Editor of JPDC, the Elsevier Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
- Alexandru Costan:
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Future Generation Computer Systems, Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.
- Gabriel Antoniu:
Invited Talks
- Gabriel Antoniu
Fourth BDEC2 Workshop on Big Data and Extreme Computing, San Diego, in October 2019. Towards a demonstrator of the Sigma Data Processing Architecture for BDEC 2. URL:
Third BDEC2 Workshop on Big Data and Extreme Computing, Poznan, in May 2019. ZettaFlow: Towards High-Performance ML-based Analytics across the Digital Continuum. URL:
Ninth Workshop of the Joint Laboratory for Extreme-Scale Computing (JLESC) in April 2019. Scalable Data Ingestion for Stream Processing. URL:
- Alexandru Costan
Inria/ IPN Joint Workshop, Mexico City, November 2019. From Big Data to Fast Data: Efficient Stream Data Managements.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
- Luc Bougé:
Co-Vice-President of the French Society for Informatics (Société informatique de France, SIF), in charge of the Teaching Department.
- Gabriel Antoniu
Since 2019, co-leader of the working group on Programming Environments and co-lead of two research clusters, contributing to the next Strategic Research Agenda of ETP4HPC (to appear).
- International lab management
Vice Executive Director of JLESC for Inria. JLESC is the Joint Inria-Illinois-ANL-BSC-JSC-RIKEN/AICS Laboratory for Extreme-Scale Computing. Within JLESC, he also serves as a Topic Leader for Data storage, I/O and in situ processing for Inria.
- Team management
Head of the KerData Project-Team (Inria-ENS Rennes-INSA Rennes).
- International Associate Team management
Leader of the UNIFY Associate Team with Argonne National Lab (2019–2021).
- Technology development project management
Coordinator of the Damaris ADT project (2016–2018), to be continued with the Damaris 2 ADT project (2019–2021).
Scientific Expertise
- Luc Bougé
Chair of the evaluation committee for the CRIStAL joint laboratory, Lille (report)
Member of the evaluation committee for the IRCICA research institute, Lille
Research Administration
- Luc Bougé
- ANR:
Member of the management team for the IA for Humanity governmental program launched in March 2018. Bertrand Braunschweig, Inria, is the scientific director of the program.