Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events: Organization

General Chair, Scientific Chair
Luc Bougé:

Steering Committee Chair of the Euro-Par International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing. Euro-Par celebrated its 25th anniversary in Göttingen, Germany, this year.

Gabriel Antoniu:

Co-Chair of Conv'2019 - the HPC-AI-Big Data Convergence Days.

Member of the Organizing Committees
Gabriel Antoniu:

Member of the Organizing Committee of Conv'2019, the HPC-AI-Big Data Convergence Days.

Scientific Events: Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees
Gabriel Antoniu:

Track Co-Chair for the Clouds and Distributed Systems Track of the ACM/IEEE SC19 conference, Denver, USA.

Alexandru Costan:

Program Co-Chair of the ScienceCloud 2019 international workshop held in conjunction with ACM HPDC 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA.

Member of the Conference Program Committees
Alexandru Costan:

IEEE/ACM SC'19 (Technical Program: Cloud Track, Posters and ACM Student Research Competition), ACM/IEEE CCGrid 2019, IEEE Cluster 2019, IEEE/ACM UCC 2019, IEEE Big Data 2019, SCRAMBL 2019, CSCS 2019, CEBDA 2019, CCIW 2019, IEEE CSE 2018, IEEE CloudCom 2019.

Gabriel Antoniu:

IEEE Cluster 2019, IEEE IPDPS 2019, STREAM-ML 2019.

Alexandru Costan:



Member of the Editorial Boards
Gabriel Antoniu:

Associate Editor of JPDC, the Elsevier Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Alexandru Costan:

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Future Generation Computer Systems, Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.

Gabriel Antoniu:

SoftwareX, Philosophical Transactions A.

Invited Talks

Gabriel Antoniu
  • Fourth BDEC2 Workshop on Big Data and Extreme Computing, San Diego, in October 2019. Towards a demonstrator of the Sigma Data Processing Architecture for BDEC 2. URL: https://www.exascale.org/bdec/agenda/poznan.

  • Third BDEC2 Workshop on Big Data and Extreme Computing, Poznan, in May 2019. ZettaFlow: Towards High-Performance ML-based Analytics across the Digital Continuum. URL: https://www.exascale.org/bdec/agenda/sandiego.

  • Ninth Workshop of the Joint Laboratory for Extreme-Scale Computing (JLESC) in April 2019. Scalable Data Ingestion for Stream Processing. URL: https://jlesc.github.io/.

Alexandru Costan

Leadership within the Scientific Community

Luc Bougé:

Co-Vice-President of the French Society for Informatics (Société informatique de France, SIF), in charge of the Teaching Department.

Gabriel Antoniu

Since 2019, co-leader of the working group on Programming Environments and co-lead of two research clusters, contributing to the next Strategic Research Agenda of ETP4HPC (to appear).

International lab management

Vice Executive Director of JLESC for Inria. JLESC is the Joint Inria-Illinois-ANL-BSC-JSC-RIKEN/AICS Laboratory for Extreme-Scale Computing. Within JLESC, he also serves as a Topic Leader for Data storage, I/O and in situ processing for Inria.

Team management

Head of the KerData Project-Team (Inria-ENS Rennes-INSA Rennes).

International Associate Team management

Leader of the UNIFY Associate Team with Argonne National Lab (2019–2021).

Technology development project management

Coordinator of the Damaris ADT project (2016–2018), to be continued with the Damaris 2 ADT project (2019–2021).

Scientific Expertise

Luc Bougé

Chair of the evaluation committee for the CRIStAL joint laboratory, Lille (report)


Member of the evaluation committee for the IRCICA research institute, Lille

Research Administration

Luc Bougé

Member of the management team for the IA for Humanity governmental program launched in March 2018. Bertrand Braunschweig, Inria, is the scientific director of the program.