Section: Dissemination
Scientific Events: Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Elisa Fromont was one of the general chairs of ECML/PKDD 2019 that took place in Würzburg, Germany (Sept).
Tassadit Bouadi was co-chair of the ECML/PKDD'2019 PhD Forum
Tassadit Bouadi and Luis Galárraga are organizers of the two editions of the AIMLAI workshop (Advances in Interpretable Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence) colocated with the conferences EGC ( and ECML/PKDD ( 2019 respectively.
AALTD@ECML (T. Guyet),
GAST@EGC (T. Guyet),
GeoInformation Analytics Technical Track at the ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (T. Guyet),
Time series days, (T. Guyet)
Scientific Events: Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Invited Talks
Signatures: detecting and characterizing recurrent behavior in sequential data (A. Termier, March 2019). Invited talk to the Exploratory Data Analysis group of Jilles Vreeken, Saarebruck University.
Pattern Mining with MDL (A. Termier, May 2019). Talk at the Dagstuhl seminal on Enumeration in Data Management.
(Random) Search in a Structured Space (R.Gaudel, Oct. 2019). GdR IA course, Paris, France.
Recommendation as a sequential process (R. Gaudel, June 2019). Obelix, Vannes, France.
Litterature review: From computational complexity of function optimization to large scale Machine Learning (R. Gaudel, June 2019). Thematic season on the topic COMPLEXITY, IRISA, Rennes, France
Interpretability in Classifiers (L. Galárraga, May 2019). Journée EGC&IA, Orsay, France.
Mining sequential patterns with ASP (T. Guyet, January 2019). LERIA, Angers, France. 6/12/2019: Master Class at La Digital Tech Conference on "IA, Machine learning et Deep learning : démêlons les concepts !", Rennes.
(E. Fromont) 25/11/2019: Participation in the panel organized by EIT Digital for the "Industrial Doctorate meetup: Boosting business with data science", Rennes.
(E. Fromont) 8/10/2019: Invited speaker for Planète conférence on "Mythes et réalités de l'I.A.", Vannes.
(E. Fromont) 9/09/2019: Participation in the workshop "Smart-cities et mobilités" of the Forum Européen d’Intelligence Artificielle Territoriale organised by the CHEMI, Rambouillet, Fr.
(E. Fromont) 5/07/2019: Participation in the panel organized by Google numérique on "Intelligence artificielle, opportunités diverses et défis communs?", Rennes.
(E. Fromont) 1/07/2019: Participation in the panel organized by EIT summer school "Unleashing the power of data for better cities" on "Future of smart cities and data innovation", Rennes.
(E. Fromont) 6/06/2019: Invited speaker for Breizh Conseil on "Mythes et réalités de l'I.A.", Rennes (with a video teaser)
(E. Fromont) 5/06/2019: Invited speaker for the "journées nationales MIAGE" ( JNM2019) on "Mythes et réalités de l'I.A.", Rennes.
(E. Fromont) 23/05/2019: Invited speaker for ESTIM NUMERIQUE on "Qu'est ce que l'I.A.", Rennes.
(E. Fromont) 31/01/2019: Invited speaker for the Ecole Navale Science Day 2019 JSN'19 on "New Challenges in Computer Vision", Brest.
(E. Fromont) 26/01/2019: Invited speaker for the Digital transformer Challenge (Introduction to AI), Rennes.
Scientific Expertise
Scikit-Mine. The team recently secured a two-year engineer position (Inria ADT grant) for working on MDL-based pattern mining algorithms. The goal of the project is to design a modern pattern mining library fully compatible with scikit-learn (the major data science library). The library will contain major MDL-based pattern mining algorithms of the state of the art, including those developed in the team (periodic pattern mining). The project will start in fall 2020.
Research Administration
Alexandre Termier is member of the Scientific Committee of the "Environment and Agriculture" department of INRA (now INRAe).
(E. Fromont) Member of the executive board of the CominLabs LABEX for the "Data, IA and Robotics" scientific axis.
(E. Fromont) Elected at the scientific council of the Société Savante Francophone d'Apprentissage Machine.
(E. Fromont) Nominated at the CNRS INS2I ("INstitut des Sciences de l'Information et de leurs Interactions") scientific council (CSI)