New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Scientific Events: Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair

Scientific Events: Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • KDD (A. Termier, E. Fromont)

  • ICTAI (T. Guyet)

  • ECAI (T. Bouadi)

  • ECML-PKDD (T. Guyet, A. Termier, E. Fromont, T. Bouadi)

  • IJCAI (T. Guyet, A. Termier)

  • SDM (A. Termier)

  • MedInfo (T. Guyet)

  • EGC (T. Bouadi, T. Guyet)

  • HiPC (A. Termier)

  • APIA (C. Largouët)

  • CAp (R. Gaudel)

  • ISWC (L. Galárraga)

  • LDK (L. Galárraga)

  • ECML-PKDD (C. Largouët)

  • ICML (R. Gaudel)

  • NeurIPS (R. Gaudel)

  • LOD (R. Gaudel)

  • ICTAI (L. Galárraga)

  • BDA (L. Galárraga)


Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Pattern Recognition (R. Gaudel)

  • Revue d'intelligence artificielle (R. Gaudel)

  • Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (L. Galárraga, A. Termier)

  • Semantic Web Journal (L. Galárraga)

  • Remote Sensing (T. Guyet)

  • Journal of Biomedical Informatics (T. Guyet)

Invited Talks

  • Signatures: detecting and characterizing recurrent behavior in sequential data (A. Termier, March 2019). Invited talk to the Exploratory Data Analysis group of Jilles Vreeken, Saarebruck University.

  • Pattern Mining with MDL (A. Termier, May 2019). Talk at the Dagstuhl seminal on Enumeration in Data Management.

  • (Random) Search in a Structured Space (R.Gaudel, Oct. 2019). GdR IA course, Paris, France.

  • Recommendation as a sequential process (R. Gaudel, June 2019). Obelix, Vannes, France.

  • Litterature review: From computational complexity of function optimization to large scale Machine Learning (R. Gaudel, June 2019). Thematic season on the topic COMPLEXITY, IRISA, Rennes, France

  • Interpretability in Classifiers (L. Galárraga, May 2019). Journée EGC&IA, Orsay, France.

  • Mining sequential patterns with ASP (T. Guyet, January 2019). LERIA, Angers, France. 6/12/2019: Master Class at La Digital Tech Conference on "IA, Machine learning et Deep learning : démêlons les concepts !", Rennes.

  • (E. Fromont) 25/11/2019: Participation in the panel organized by EIT Digital for the "Industrial Doctorate meetup: Boosting business with data science", Rennes.

  • (E. Fromont) 8/10/2019: Invited speaker for Planète conférence on "Mythes et réalités de l'I.A.", Vannes.

  • (E. Fromont) 9/09/2019: Participation in the workshop "Smart-cities et mobilités" of the Forum Européen d’Intelligence Artificielle Territoriale organised by the CHEMI, Rambouillet, Fr.

  • (E. Fromont) 5/07/2019: Participation in the panel organized by Google numérique on "Intelligence artificielle, opportunités diverses et défis communs?", Rennes.

  • (E. Fromont) 1/07/2019: Participation in the panel organized by EIT summer school "Unleashing the power of data for better cities" on "Future of smart cities and data innovation", Rennes.

  • (E. Fromont) 6/06/2019: Invited speaker for Breizh Conseil on "Mythes et réalités de l'I.A.", Rennes (with a video teaser)

  • (E. Fromont) 5/06/2019: Invited speaker for the "journées nationales MIAGE" ( JNM2019) on "Mythes et réalités de l'I.A.", Rennes.

  • (E. Fromont) 23/05/2019: Invited speaker for ESTIM NUMERIQUE on "Qu'est ce que l'I.A.", Rennes.

  • (E. Fromont) 31/01/2019: Invited speaker for the Ecole Navale Science Day 2019 JSN'19 on "New Challenges in Computer Vision", Brest.

  • (E. Fromont) 26/01/2019: Invited speaker for the Digital transformer Challenge (Introduction to AI), Rennes.

Scientific Expertise

Scikit-Mine. The team recently secured a two-year engineer position (Inria ADT grant) for working on MDL-based pattern mining algorithms. The goal of the project is to design a modern pattern mining library fully compatible with scikit-learn (the major data science library). The library will contain major MDL-based pattern mining algorithms of the state of the art, including those developed in the team (periodic pattern mining). The project will start in fall 2020.

Research Administration

  • Alexandre Termier is member of the Scientific Committee of the "Environment and Agriculture" department of INRA (now INRAe).

  • (E. Fromont) Member of an HCERES evaluation committee.

  • (E. Fromont) Member of the executive board of the CominLabs LABEX for the "Data, IA and Robotics" scientific axis.

  • (E. Fromont) Elected at the scientific council of the Société Savante Francophone d'Apprentissage Machine.

  • (E. Fromont) Nominated at the CNRS INS2I ("INstitut des Sciences de l'Information et de leurs Interactions") scientific council (CSI)