New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Some members of the project-team LACODAM are also faculty members and are actively involved in computer science teaching programs in ISTIC, INSA and Agrocampus-Ouest. Besides these usual teachings LACODAM is involved in the following programs:

  • Master 2 IL, CCN: Option Machine Learning, Istic, University of Rennes 1, 32h (E. Fromont)

  • Master 2 DMV Module: Data Mining and Visualization, 13h, M2, Istic, University of Rennes 1 (A. Termier)

  • Master 2 Big Data, 30h, Master Datascience, University of Rennes 2 & Agrocampus Ouest (C. Largouët)

  • Master 2 DataViz with R, 10h, Master Datascience, University of Rennes 2 & Agrocampus Ouest (L. Bonneau de Beaufort)

  • Master 1 SIF: Option IA, Istic, 20h, University of Rennes 1 (A. Termier, E. Fromont, T. Bouadi)

  • Master 1 Scientific Programming, 25h, Agrocampus Ouest (C. Largouët)

  • Master 1 Data Management, 25h, Agrocampus Ouest (C. Largouët)

  • Master : R. Gaudel, Apprentissage profond, 9h eq. TD, M2, ENSAI, France

  • Master : R. Gaudel, Neural Networks, 4,5h eq. TD, école d'été, ENSAI, France

  • Master : R. Gaudel, Systèmes de recommandation, 27h eq. TD, M2, ENSAI, France

  • Master : R. Gaudel, Bandits Theory, 9h eq. TD, M2, ENSAI, France

  • Master : R. Gaudel, Bandits Theory, 4,5h eq. TD, école d'été, ENSAI, France

  • Master : R. Gaudel, INFO2, 30h eq. TD, M1, ENS, France

  • Master : T. Guyet, Spatial data science and GIS programming, Agrocampus-Ouest/Rennes University, France


  • PhD (defended 25/09/2019): Guillaume Metzler, “Learning from Imbalanced Data: An Application to Bank Fraud Detection”, 15/01/2016, E. Fromont, M. Sebban, A. Habrard.

  • PhD (defended 16/12/2019): Kevin Bascol, “Multi-source domain adaptation on imbalanced data:application to the improvement of chairlifts safety”, 1/11/2016, E. Fromont,R. Emonet.

  • PhD (defended 16/12/2019): Maël Guillemé, “New Data Mining Approaches for Improving Energy Consumption in Factories”, 03/10/2016, L. Rozé, V. Masson, A. Termier

  • PhD (defended 19/12/2019): Alban Siffer, “Data Mining Approaches for Cyber Attack Detection”, 03/2016, P-A Fouque, A. Termier, C. Largouët.

  • PhD in progress: Maël Gueguen, “Improving the Performance and Energy Efficiency of Complex Heterogeneous Manycore Architectures with On-chip Data Mining”, 01/11/2016, O. Sentieys, A. Termier

  • PhD in progress: Raphaël Gauthier, “Modelling of Nutrient Utilization and Precision Feeding of Lactating Sows”, 01/11/2017, C. Largouët, J.-Y. Dourmad

  • PhD in progress: Kévin Fauvel, “Using Data mining Techniques for Improving Dairy Management”, 01/10/2017, V. Masson, A. Termier, P. Faverdin

  • PhD in progress: Heng Zhang, “Deep Learning on Multimodal Data for the Supervision of Sensitive Sites”, 03/12/2018, E. Fromont, S. Lefevre

  • PhD in progress: Yichang Wang, “Interpretable Shapelet for Anomaly Detection in Time Series”, 15/04/2018, E. Fromont, S. Malinowski, R. Tavenard, R. Emonet

  • PhD in progress: Camille-Sauvanneary Gauthier, Session-aware Recommendation System, since March 15. 2019, advisors: É. Fromont, R. Gaudel, & B. Guilbot

  • PhD in progress: Erwan Bourrand, Interactive Data Mining for Root Cause Analysis of Performance Issues in Networks, advisors: E. Fromont, L. Galárraga, A. Termier.

  • PhD in progress: Gregory Martin, Data mining to optimize a free-floating car sharing service: E. Fromont, L. Rozé, A. Termier.

  • PhD in progress: Johanne Bakalara, Temporal models of care sequences for the exploration of medico-administrative data, advisors: E. Oger, O. Dameron, T. Guyet, A. Happe

  • PhD in progress: Colin Leverger, Management and forecasting of measures for server optimization in a cloud context, advisors: A. Termier, R. Marguerie, S. Malinowski, T. Guyet, L. Rozé.

  • PhD in progress: Nicolas Sourbier, Log Analysis Using Reinforcement Learning for Intrusion Detection, advisors: F. Majorczyke, O. Gesny, T. Ollivier, M. Pelcat, T. Guyet.

  • PhD in progress: Yiru Zhang, Modeling and management of imperfect preferences with the theory of belief functions, advisors: T. Bouadi, A. Martin.


  • PhD Justine Reynaud (Orpailleur, Inria Nancy, Université de Lorraine): Découverte de définitions dans le web des données (L. Galárraga, examiner, december 2019).

  • PhD Anes Bendimerad (INSA Lyon): Mining useful patterns in attributed graphs (A. Termier, reviewer, september 2019)

  • HDR Frédéric Flouvat (Université de Nouvelle Calédonie): Extraction de motifs spatio-temporels: co-localisations, séquences et graphes dynamiques attribués (A. Termier, reviewer, october 2019)

  • HDR Christine Largouët (Université de Rennes 1): Intelligence Artificielle pour l'aide à la décision des systèmes dynamiques: diagnostic, prévision, recommandation d'actions (A. Termier, examiner, december 2019)

  • PhD Ricardio Sperandio (Université de Rennes 1): Time series retrieval using DTW-preserving shapelets (A. Termier, examiner, december 2019)

  • PhD Raphaël Jakse (Université Grenoble Alpes): Interactive runtime verification (A. Termier, reviewer, december 2019)

  • (E. Fromont) Ziyu GUO, Marseille 5/11/2019 (committee member); Jordan Frery, Saint-Etienne 26/09/2019 (committee member, president); Julien Salotti, Lyon 24/09/2019 (reviewer); Xuhong Li, Compiègne (committee member, president) 10/99/2019; Michele Linardi, Paris (committee member) 21/08/2019; Pauline Luc, Grenoble (committee member, president) 25/06/2019, Diogo Luvizon, Cergy (reviewer) 8/04/2019; Zaruhi Alaverdyan, Lyon (committee member, president) 18/01/2019

  • PhD Trung-Dung Le (Shaman, IRISA, Université de Rennes 1): Gestion de masses de données dans une fédération de nuages informatiques (T. Bouadi, examiner, july 2019)