New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination


Internal or external Inria responsibilities

  • (E. Fromont) 2018- ?: Nominated at the scientific council of the "Fondation Blaise Pascal" (dedicated to scientific mediation, funded by Inria)


  • In 2019, Alexandre Termier and Elisa Fromont are co-heads of a special training for high school teachers, ordered by the Ministry of Education. From September 2019, French high school students will have the opportunity to have reinforced Computer Science courses, with the same importance as Mathematics or Physics for example. As new teachers are not yet hired to teach theses courses, there was thus an urgent need to train existing high school teachers so that they can train the new teachers. A national formation has been set up, with some coordination between all universities. Alexandre and Elisa represent the University of Rennes, which is the formation center for all of Britany. The formation load is 125 teaching hours, to a group of 71 high school teachers.

  • Elisa Fromont is also leading the set up of a CAPES in University of Rennes 1, which will allow to prepare future high school teachers in computer science.


  • A. Termier participated at a mediation action on Artificial Intelligence for a general technical public, the "Trial of metro car number 42", at the Digital Tech in Rennes (november 2019, https://www.ladigital.tech/proces-rame-metro-numero-42/)

  • Alexandre Termier did two 2h interventions at the Emile Zola high school, aimed at math teachers. The topics were "Artificial Intelligence" and "Big Data".

  • (E. Fromont) 6/12/2019: Master Class at La Digital Tech Conference on "IA, Machine learning et Deep learning : démêlons les concepts !", Rennes.