Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master: G. Castagnos, Cryptanalyse, 60h, M2, University of Bordeaux, France;
Master: G. Castagnos, Cryptologie avancée, 30h, M2, University of Bordeaux, France;
Master: G. Castagnos, Courbes elliptiques, 30h, M2, University of Bordeaux, France;
Licence: G. Castagnos, Arithmétique et Cryptologie, 24h, L3, Université de Bordeaux, France
Master : D. Robert, Courbes elliptiques, 60h, M2, University of Bordeaux, France;
Master: X. Caruso and J.-M. Couveignes, Algorithmique arithmétique, introduction à l'algorithmique quantique, 60h, M2, University of Bordeaux, France;
Master : K. Belabas, Computer Algebra, 91h, M2, University of Bordeaux, France;
Master: J.-M. Couveignes, Modules, espaces quadratiques, 30h, M1, University of Bordeaux, France;
Licence : J.-P. Cerri, Arithmétique et Cryptologie, TD, 36h, L3, Université de Bordeaux, France
Licence : J.-P. Cerri, Algèbre linéaire, TD, 51h, L2, Université de Bordeaux, France
Licence : J.-P. Cerri, Topologie, TD, 35h, L3, Université de Bordeaux, France
Master : J.-P. Cerri, Cryptologie, Cours-TD, 60h, M1, Université de Bordeaux, France
Licence: J. Kieffer, Algorithmique Mathématique 2, 32h, L3, Université de Bordeaux, France
Master: R. Barbulescu, Arithmetic algorithms for cryptology, M2, Master Parisien de Recherche Informatique.
Licence, Master : J.-P. Cerri, 2 TER (L3, M1), 1 Projet (M2), Université de Bordeaux, France
Master : J. Asuncion, Elliptic curves, TD, 16h, M1, Universiteit Utrecht (Mastermath), Pays-Bas
Master thesis: Jean-Raphaël Biehler, Functional encryption, supervised by Guilhem Castagnos
Master thesis: Béranger Seguin, Deformations of Galois representations, supervised by Xavier Caruso
Master thesis: William Dallaporta, Parametrization of ideals and other algebraic structures by quadratic forms, supervised by Karim Belabas
PhD in progress: Ida Tucker, Design of new advanced cryptosystems from homomorphic building blocks, since October 2017, supervised by Guilhem Castagnos and Fabien Laguillaumie
PhD in progress: Abdoulaye Maiga, Computing canonical lift of genus 2 hyperelliptic curves, University Dakar, supervised by Djiby Sow, Abdoul Aziz Ciss and D. Robert.
PhD in progress: Jared Asuncion, Class fields of complex multiplication fields, since September 2017, supervised by A. Enge and Marco Streng (Universiteit Leiden).
PhD in progress: Elie Eid, Computing isogenies between elliptic curves and curves of higher genus, since September 2018, supervised by Xavier Caruso and Reynald Lercier
PhD in progress: Amaury Durand, Geometric Gabidulin codes, since September 2019, supervised by Xavier Caruso
PhD in progress: Jean Kieffer, Computing isogenies between abelian surfaces, since September 2018, supervised by Damien Robert and Aurel Page
PhD in progress: Pavel Solomatin Topics on
-functions, since October 2014, supervised by B. de Smit and K. Belabas. -
PhD in progress: Anne-Edgar Wilke Enumerating integral orbits of prehomogeneous representations, since September 2019, supervised by K. Belabas.
PhD in progress: Sudarshan Shinde Cryptographic applications of modular curves since October 2016, supervised by R. Barbulescu with Pierre-Vincent Koseleff (Sorbonne Université).
X. Caruso has written a report for the doctoral dissertation by Léo Poyeton, ÉNS de Lyon: Extensions de Lie
-adiques et -modules. -
X. Caruso has written a report for the doctoral dissertation by Christopher Doris, University of Bristol: Aspects of
-adic computation. -
X. Caruso has written a report for the doctoral dissertation by Joelle Saade, Université de Limoges: Méthodes symboliques pour les systèmes différentiels linéaires à singularité irrégulière.
R. Barbulescu was part of the three members jury of the oral examination in mathematics for math-info the admission examination for ENS de Lyon
D. Robert is a member of the jury of Agregations de Mathematiques. He is also the director of the option “calcul formel” of the Modelisation part of the oral examination.