New Software and Platforms
New Software and Platforms

Section: Research Program

Logical Paradigm for Systems Biology

Our group was among the first ones in 2002 to apply model-checking methods to systems biology in order to reason on large molecular interaction networks, such as Kohn's map of the mammalian cell cycle (800 reactions over 500 molecules) (N. Chabrier-Rivier, M. Chiaverini, V. Danos, F. Fages, V. Schächter. Modeling and querying biochemical interaction networks. Theoretical Computer Science, 325(1):25–44, 2004.). The logical paradigm for systems biology that we have subsequently developed for quantitative models can be summarized by the following identifications :

biological model = transition system K

dynamical behavior specification = temporal logic formula φ

model validation = model-checking K,s?φ

model reduction = sub-model-checking, K'K s.t. K'?,sφ

model prediction = formula enumeration, φ s.t. K,sφ?

static experiment design = symbolic model-checking, state s s.t. K,s?φ

model synthesis = constraint solving K?,sφ

dynamic experiment design = constraint solving K?,s?φ

In particular, the definition of a continuous satisfaction degree for first-order temporal logic formulae with constraints over the reals, was the key to generalize this approach to quantitative models, opening up the field of model-checking to model optimization (On a continuous degree of satisfaction of temporal logic formulae with applications to systems biology A. Rizk, G. Batt, F. Fages, S. Soliman International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology, 251-268) This line of research continues with the development of temporal logic patterns with efficient constraint solvers and their generalization to handle stochastic effects.