Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • DUT Informatique: Géry Casiez (38h), Stéphane Huot (28h), Axel Antoine (28h), Thibault Raffaillac (56h) IHM, 1st year, IUT A de Lille - Université de Lille

  • DUT Informatique: Axel Antoine (32h), CDIN-CALC, 1st year, IUT A de Lille - Université de Lille

  • DUT Informatique: Marc Baloup, Algorithme et Programmation, 21.5h, 1st year, IUT A de Lille - Université de Lille

  • DUT Informatique: Marc Baloup, CDIN Web, 11h, 1st year, IUT A de Lille - Université de Lille

  • DUT Informatique: Thibault Raffaillac, Codage et Systèmes d'exploitation, 64h, 1st year, IUT A de Lille - Université de Lille

  • DUT Informatique: Thibault Raffaillac, Algorithmique avancée, 64h, 1st year, IUT A de Lille - Université de Lille

  • Licence Informatique: Thomas Pietrzak, Logique, 36h, L3, Université de Lille

  • Licence Informatique: Thomas Pietrzak, Image et Interaction 2D, 10.5h, L3, Université de Lille

  • Cursus ingénieur: Sylvain Malacria (10h), 3DETech, IMT Lille-Douai

  • Master Informatique: Thomas Pietrzak (18h), NIHM, M2, Université de Lille

  • Master Informatique: Sylvain Malacria (12h), NIHM, M2, Université de Lille

  • Master Informatique: Thomas Pietrzak (34.5h), Sylvain Malacria (34.5), IHM, M1, Université de Lille

  • Master Informatique: Mathieu Nancel, Evaluation, 8h, M2, Université de Lille


  • PhD: Thibault Raffaillac, Languages and System Infrastructure for Interaction, defended in Dec. 2019, advised by Stéphane Huot

  • PhD: Hakim Si Mohammed, Improving Interaction Based on a Brain-Computer Interface, defended in Dec. 2019, advised by Anatole Lecuyer, Ferran Argelaguet, Géry Casiez & Nicolas Roussel (in Rennes)

  • PhD: Jeronimo Barbosa, Design and Evaluation of Digital Musical Instruments, McGill University, defended in May 2019, advised by Marcelo Wanderley & Stéphane Huot (in Montréal)

  • PhD in progress: Grégoire Richard, Touching avatars : le rôle du retour haptique dans les interactions avec les avatars en réalité virtuelle, started Oct. 2019, advised by Géry Casiez & Thomas Pietrzak

  • PhD in progress: Philippe Schmid, Command History as a Full-fledged Interactive Object, started Oct. 2019, advised by Mathieu Nancel & Stéphane Huot

  • PhD: Damien Masson, Supporting Interactivity with Static Content, University of Waterloo, started in January 2019, advised by Edward Lank, Géry Casiez& Sylvain Malacria (in Waterloo)

  • PhD in progress: Marc Baloup, Interaction with avatars in immersive virtual environments, started Oct. 2018, advised by Géry Casiez & Thomas Pietrzak

  • PhD in progress: Axel Antoine, Helping Users with Interactive Strategies, started Oct. 2017, advised by Géry Casiez & Sylvain Malacria

  • PhD in progress: Nicole Ke Chen Pong, Understanding and Improving Users Interactive Vocabulary, started Oct. 2016, advised by Nicolas Roussel, Sylvain Malacria & Stéphane Huot


  • Hugo Romat (PhD, Université Paris-Saclay): Stéphane Huot, president

  • Emmanouil Giannisakis (PhD, Université Paris-Saclay): Géry Casiez, reviewer

  • Marie-Éléonore Kessaci (HDR, Université de Lille): Géry Casiez, president

Mid-term evaluation committees

  • Antonin Durey (PhD, Université de Lille): Géry Casiez

  • Théo Voillemin (PhD, Université de Lille): Géry Casiez

  • Vikas Mishra (PhD, Université de Lille): Géry Casiez